
3D Printing Industry News sliced: 3D Hubs, BEAMIT, Fusetec, HP, LulzBot, SISMA, Zortrax

In this edition of Sliced, the 3D Printing Industry news digest, we cover the latest business developments, partnerships, and acquisitions across the additive manufacturing industry.


继续阅读Skyrora,Fathom,3D Hubs,Zortrax,Beamit,Lulzbot,Sisma等的最新消息。


总部位于澳大利亚Fusetecis producing 3D printed models for medical training. The models allow students to practice procedures related to specific pathologies such as tumors, broken bones or defective heart valves. According to the company, surgical students rarely have the opportunity to practice on real organs during their studies. Mark Roe, CEO of Fusetec said,

“These skills are developed during their hospital residency. This means that most first-year surgical residents are performing dissections for the very first time on extremely expensive cadavers, or on real patients at a high risk to both the patients and the surgical residents.”

Roe added, 3D printed body part models negate the risk of bacteria and difficulties with strict storage, disposal protocols or regulatory burdens.

同样在外科新闻中,来自印度苏拉特的联合替代外科医生吉尼什·潘迪(Jignesh Pandya)博士,来自印度的一支团队STPL3D具有3D打印了针对复杂骨科手术的患者特异性骨折骨模型。潘迪(Pandya)博士提出了这一想法,因为他的病人只有14岁,并且该手术被认为太危险了,所以打印了一个器官模型。

Jignesh Pandya博士和STPL3D博士从树脂中产生了特定于患者的印刷肘骨,以指导手术过程。通过STPL3D的照片
Jignesh Pandya博士和STPL3D博士从树脂中产生了特定于患者的印刷肘骨,以指导手术过程。通过STPL3D的照片

医疗3D打印公司Axial3d和基于德班的服务提供商MedTech3Dhave partnered to ensure affordable access to high-quality 3D printed models in South African hospitals. As stated by Dipika Maharaj, founder and MD at MedTech, this collaboration will strive to provide premium healthcare at affordable rates within.


基于都灵的初创公司xevlaunched a Kickstarter Campaign for its3D打印的汽车,称为Yoyo。雷电竞充值添加剂制造用于自定义该车辆的形状,而无需额外的工具成本。这也有助于降低车辆的重量和碳足迹。

意大利汽车制造商xev以前曾与3D打印机丝制造商聚合物合作生产3D印刷的低速电动汽车(LSEVs) in 2018.

2.5m x 1.5m尺寸的Yoyo有两个座椅和扭矩电动机。它的价格为7,995欧元。通过Kickstarter照片
2.5m x 1.5m尺寸的Yoyo有两个座椅和扭矩电动机。它的价格为7,995欧元。通过Xev的照片

3D printing and the aerospace and space industry


发动机是30公里(KN)液体双螺旋剂,具有三吨推力。Skyrora的工程经理Jack-James Marlow博士说:“这一发展使Skyrora成为欧洲发射车市场的领导者。随着我们开始测试然后推出的计划,对于我们来说,2020年将是令人兴奋的一年。我们迫不及待要开始。”

The engine took over three months to assemble and was welded at Skyrora’s Scottish production facility. Final assembly and precision tungsten inert gas-welding were completed at Skyrora’s production facility in Loanhead, Midlothian. Testing begins this quarter.


同样在航空新闻中,加利福尼亚设计工作室FATHOM已获得AS9100 Rev. D认证,这是国际航空航天质量集团支持的标准化要求。有了这一成就,公司最近被MCT收购,,,,will support the aerospace and defense sectors using additive manufacturing.

在其他地方,可折叠的3D印刷的月球车轮设计赢得了3000美元的大奖Advanced Manufacturing Program。Clover获胜团队的成员是科罗拉多州矿业学校的机械工程大三学生。他们从铝和钛轮中创建了车轮,配备了铲子,可以sc起月光石的小样品。然后,铲子将收集的样品倒入每次革命的车轮附着的试管之一中。“我们设计的灵感来自孩子们的玩具,您像飞盘一样扔掉,但在投掷时将球部署到球中” - 机械工程初中,克莱尔·托马斯(Claire Thomas)说。


Made In In Space的总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Rush表示,这种搬迁是长期增长的战略步骤。“通过扩大我们在佛罗里达州的存在,我们可以利用熟练的航空航天员工,大规模的基础设施来支持我们的增长,以及像Space Florida这样的主要战略合作伙伴,随着我们继续发展世界一流的太空技术,这将加速我们的动力。”

Expansions and new facilities of 3D printing companies

进入法国市场,online manufacturing platform3D Hubs通过在德国柏林开设新办事处,在欧洲进一步扩展。随着扩展,总部位于阿姆斯特丹的平台计划为德国公司提供即时报价,减少交货时间和几乎无限的制造能力。

“Entering the German market further strengthens our position as the leading force behind digital manufacturing in Europe. With an experienced local team on the ground, we are excited to provide German companies with a platform that helps them compete with the biggest players in the industry” explains Bram de Zwart, founder, and CEO of 3D Hubs.

Polish 3D printer manufacturerZortraxhas launched 3D printing services for individuals and businesses to give expert support besides their technology. Rafał Tomasiak, CEO of the company said, “we want to be not only a manufacturer of equipment but also a partner for everyone interested in implementing 3D technology in their projects or on the production line. Custom printing means opening another segment of customers who do not necessarily have their own equipment, but who want to take advantage of the possibilities offered by 3D printing.”

这家总部位于波兰的公司宣布,其服务将与各种Zortrax产品合作,包括M200 Plus,,,,M300 Plus,M300 Dual,发明orInkspire,,,,and dedicated materials. After filling out the form on the company’s website, Zortrax specialists will help to select the suitable technology and material for the printout. To handle the orders, the company’s 3D printing farm consists of more than 200 Apoller devices and the final product can be sent to any location worldwide.

意大利添加剂制造雷电竞充值服务局BEAMIT在整个大陆上扩张,在日本开设一家商业机构。Eiji Akita,前高级首席工程师三菱Hitachi Power Systems将担任公司的日本代表。


Melbourne-Based自动创新中心(AIC) has officially opened to the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Industry, with a new facility to support the continent’s automotive and manufacturing sector. AIC is working withEVOK3D用HP 580在耐用尼龙中产生全彩功能原型。

和multiple meeting and training rooms, Centre of Excellence will be a Hub for automotive training and education. Luke Truskinger, Managing Director of AIC said, “this is a fantastic new facility for the industry, so we welcome companies contacting us to discuss, how the centre can directly assist their business.”

“ Lulzbot Desktop雷电竞app下载 3D打印机生活!”-tweetedthe desktop 3D printer manufacturerLulzBot,,,,whorecently moved to North Dakota。在有传言称该公司将关闭后,该公司在艰难的月份中幸存下来。然而,这是获得by Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D (FAME 3D) in November 2019 and has marked the production of the first LulzBot Mini 2 from its new Fargo facility.

生命值shoe venture, SISMA extends 3D printing systems available to jewelry industry

结合生物识别数据和3D打印的力量,生命值,鞋垫制造商Superfeet,New Balance已合作生产定制的3D打印鞋垫。和生命值’s Multi Jet Fusion technology,,,,the collaboration aims to accelerate the mass personalization of footwear.

使用FitStation的个性化生物识别数据和使用多喷气融合设计的新方法将使公司能够生产按需精确且具有成本效益的鞋类。“Together with partners like Superfeet we are helping the world’s leading footwear companies take full advantage of digital manufacturing, create innovative designs, improve workflows, and deliver individualized products,” said Philipp Jung, General Manager & Global Head of Vertical Industries & End-to-End Applications, 3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing, HP Inc.

意大利3D打印机制造商SISMA介绍了其最新的基于DLP技术的3D打印机Everes VarioVicenzaoro T-Gold 2020,在意大利以珠宝为中心的展览,展示全新样品。新型号以4K UHD投影仪达到3840 x 2160 PX分辨率,在3D DLP树脂打印中提供了最高的定义。

Sisma's booth at VicenzaOro T-Gold 2020. Photo via Sisma
Sisma’s booth at VicenzaOro T-Gold 2020. Photo via Sisma

EVERES VARIO keeps the technical-functional features of the EVERES family, including the self-alignment and self-reset of the construction platform, the automatic loading of the resin or the “Click & Make” functionality.

新功能包括一个双树脂墨盒,可提高生产率而不会中断。Everes Vario打印有两卷,可变基础从115.2 x 64.8毫米到226.6 x 127.4毫米,最大高度为450毫米,两个XY分辨率为30或59 µm。

总部位于芝加哥的高级数字制造公司Fast Radius已启动其在线门户网站,为高级制造零件和项目提供即时报价。

门户是为了服务顾客需要bridge tooling while they ramp up to high-volume production, who’ve encountered supply-chain disruptions, who have uncertain demand for a new product, or variable and unpredictable demand for existing products.


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Featured imagevia XEV