3DP Applications

3D打印新闻切片:Makerbot,3D Systems,GE Adddive,EOS,Colorfabb,Tu Delft,Sutd,AMT

这个版本的3 d印刷行业的新闻digest, Sliced, sees a variety of hardware and material releases from染色设计,3D Systems,ColorFabB和EOS以及酿造和水下无人机中的新3D打印应用程序。

所有这些以及GE添加剂的更多内容,托罗公司, Delft University of Technology, Jaguar Land Rover, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, and Singapore University of Technology and Design.


桑德·范·丹·伯格, an Industrial Design Engineering masters student at the代尔夫特工业大学(tu delft),荷兰,已经开发了3D printed robotic fishcapable of swimming through water at a record-breaking speed of 0.85 meters per second.

As part of his graduate project, van den Berg, created the fish to be an alternative device to conventional propeller-based underwater drones used to aid divers when identifying hazards. The fish’s body is made from PLA coated with waterproof varnish, a piece of pliable sheet plastic and soft silicone skin. The robotic fish also runs on a single motor.

3D打印的机器人鱼。通过Sander Van Den Berg的照片。
3D打印的机器人鱼。通过Sander Van Den Berg的照片。

Elsewhere, in tandem with Oktoberfest 2019,获奖OEMGE AdditiveandKaspar Schulz GmbH, the oldest brewing equipment manufacturer in the world, have developed a metal 3D printed racking blade to improve the sparging process of beer.

3D printing and hardware

在硬件中Airtech Advanced Materials Group,加利福尼亚真空袋制造商和高压釜过程的复合工具材料,已投资于大规模添加剂制造雷电竞充值(LSAM)系统热伍德公司.

托罗公司, an American manufacturer of turf maintenance equipment, has integrated后进程技术PostProcess BASEsupport removal solution to eliminate manual post-printing for its 3D printed parts.

In Germany, the微技术和医疗设备技术研究所(MIMED)Technical University of Munich(TUM)购买了Postpro3dminifrom雷电竞充值增材制造技术(AMT)an获奖总部位于谢菲尔德的OEM。

生物分子纳米技术中心(CBN)Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia(IIT)在意大利热那亚,正在使用蜻蜓添加剂制造系统雷电竞充值from纳米尺寸to 3D print embedded sensors in electrical packaging. Professor Massimo De Vittorio, CBN-IIT, added:

“The suitability of the DragonFly system to rapidly and affordably manufacture functional prototypes, combined with the broad ecosystem of applications for health and energy harvesting, makes it an ideal choice for our team to achieve higher performance, quick development and print complex shapes not achievable using traditional manufacturing processes.”

加利福尼亚人Orbital Composites, has introduced “Orb”, a modular, robotic 3D printing system comprising of a high-volume thermoplastic printhead and 1 meter by 1-meter build platform. Based on a custom 6-axis robotic arm fromKUKA, the Orb is designed to efficiently scale large parts with complex shapes. Furthermore, the Orb is controlled by proprietary Orb OS software and integrates 5G.

“We seamlessly integrate into a 5G-enabled Industry 4.0 environment, allowing mobile factories of the future to be a reality now,” added Cole Nielsen, Orbital Composites founder and CTO. “Just as software-defined networking revolutionized the modern data center, our novel software approach will revolutionize industrial 3D printing and usher in a new era of software-defined manufacturing.”

Orb 3D打印系统。图像通过轨道复合材料。
Orb 3D打印系统。图像通过轨道复合材料。

Elsewhere, the沙迦研究技术与创新公园(SRTIP),阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋),已经开设了中东添加剂制造中心,该中心将配备来自GE添加剂的一系列工业3D打印机。雷电竞充值雷电竞app下载

According to Fahmi Al-Shawwa, CEO ofImmensa技术实验室, a Dubai-based metal 3D printing who has joined the new centre, “We are very pleased to be partnering with SRTI Park in establishing a production facility for the manufacture of metal additives and look forward to working with the team in building the UAE’s position as a global center for industrial 3D printing.”


Canadian 3D printer component manufacturer染色设计已经宣布了两个新挤出机,最高温度为500°C:台风丝挤压器和脉冲星颗粒挤出机。

同样在加拿大,3D打印机OEMRapidia已经宣布了商业货物及其首次装置金属3D打印系统在Hatch Accelerator,来自不列颠哥伦比亚大学.

Rapidia Metal 3D系统,打印机和炉子。通过Rapidia图像。
Rapidia Metal 3D系统,打印机和炉子。通过Rapidia图像。



Elsewhere, researchers from the新加坡技术大学(SUTD)开发了数据驱动的软件,该软件进一步包含了为增材制造设计的复杂形状。雷电竞充值这样,使用超材料来优化性能创建了3D打印的脚踝支撑。

根据本研究的第一作者Yi Xiong博士的说法,Sutd的研究员说:“以前,由于常规制造的局限与AM一起。”

“Our new approach allows designers to embrace the design freedom in AM that comes with the shift in design paradigm and create more optimal products similar to the ankle brace.” The paper ‘Data-Driven Design Space Exploration and Exploitation for Design for Additive Manufacturing‘发表在ASME Digital Collection.


一个团队捷豹路虎has developed a lightweight, 3D printed glove designed to better protect employees on the production line from the threat of a musculoskeletal disorder.

据该公司称,包括100多种不同类型的疾病的肌肉骨骼疾病约占所有工作场所伤害的30%,这会导致休息时间,三分之一的钱是为员工赔偿的三分之一。结果,该团队使用TPU以不同密度的方式建模手套,并Ultrasint, a new, flexible material from BASF for HP’s solution. A second-generation prototype is now being developed to include a foam pad.

3D打印的手套用于处理生产线上的零件。通过Jaguar Land Rover的照片。
3D打印的手套用于处理生产线上的零件。通过Jaguar Land Rover的照片。

Moving more into the automotive sector,POLY-SHAPE是法国金属添加剂制造服务提供商,在雷电竞充值西班牙拥有3D印刷奖杯。由...赞助Michelin Motorsport, the Aragon Motorcycle Grand Prix, which took place from the 20th-22nd of this month, is said to be a challenging circuit.

The company emulated the twists and turns of the track when designing the 3D printed trophies as well as the Michelin tire design. Piero Taramasso, the Michelin Motorsport Two-Wheel Manager, explained, “Aragon is a very demanding circuit, its layout needs close attention and the surface can be cool in the mornings, very hot in the afternoon and can also be quite abrasive if the wind blows the dust over it from the surrounding area.”

The 3D printed Michelin trophies as. Photo via Michelin Motorsport.
The 3D printed Michelin trophies. Photo via Michelin Motorsport.

法国航空电气公司和betatype, UK-based developers ofadditive manufacturing software, are继续其合作伙伴关系优化金属3D印刷航​​空零件。结果,产生了第二代辅助动力发电机壳体试点零件,重量减轻了30%。查看完整的案例研究here.

Makerbot, All Axis Robotics & Precision ASA

所有轴心机器人技术是一家总部位于德克萨斯州的机械车间,使用了方法x3D打印机Makerbotto produce custom tooling parts for its legacy machines as well as its customers. Such machines streamline manufacturing operations with robotic arms and custom end-effectors.

“One of the challenges we faced when adapting our collaborative robots and automation in the machine shop was the need to develop custom parts during the process,” said Gary Kuzmin, CEO of All Axis Robotics.


Makerbot还通过Precision ASA的可用性扩大了其材料投资组合,这是为户外应用设计的ABS的一种耐候性替代品。

The METHOD X 3D printer at the All Axis Robotics facility. Photo via Makerbot.
The METHOD X 3D printer at the All Axis Robotics facility. Photo via Makerbot.

New additive manufacturing materials

获奖American 3D printer OEM3D Systemshas unveiled a new material for end-use plastic parts called the图4生产黑色10(PRO-BLK 10).

Leading OEMEOShas released EOS TPU 1301, a flexible polymer material for industrial 3D printing. As stated by Tim Rüttermann, Senior Vice President Polymer Systems & Materials at EOS, EOS TPU 1301 exhibits great resilience after deformation, very good shock absorption, and very high process stability.

Finally,colorFabb是一家位于荷兰的3D打印材料公司,首次亮相Varioshore TPU,这是一种带有多个海岸硬度的细丝,具体取决于印刷设置。它定于10月中旬提供。

3D printed handle using varioshore-tpu designed by Daniel Norée. Photo via colorfabb.
3D printed handle using varioshore-tpu designed by Daniel Norée. Photo via colorfabb.

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Featured image shows the Sliced logo over a close-up of the 3D printed Michelin trophies. Photo via Michelin Motorsport.