3D Printing

3D Printing Used in Lenovo Stop Motion “Goodweird” Campaign

尽管3D打印肯定是一种新兴且相对较新的技术,但这并不意味着它不能用于复兴经典的艺术和娱乐形式。例如,以中国计算机技术公司的联想,他们现在正在使用3D打印来宣传许多产品。在“ Goodweird”广告系列下推广了由Intel驱动的Lenovo瑜伽片,桌面PC和敞篷车,并提供了一系列的定格广告,主要使用3D打印的套件。“ Goodweird”运动是由联想根据其新的“ 360°整合运动”方法创建的,在此方法下,联想根据该方法将各种创意机构和公司分支为培养其愿景。


广告活动是由伦敦的眨眼导演格雷格·巴特(Greg Barth)合作进行的,3D建模和印刷公司Proshop, and the visual special effects expertise ofFramestore VFX, all of whom were connected for the project via the ad agencyMullenlowe。The 3D printed set pieces in particular were designed and 3D printed by Proshop, who had to produce many slightly varied models to achieve the seamless stop motion form. In order to accomplish the tasteful mix of 3D printed stop motion and CGI used to promote the Lenovo Yoga tablets, the team used two different 3D printing materials, one which was smooth, and another that was a bit rougher in texture.

“The 3D printing process used two separate materials across the spots – one smooth plastic, another rougher and sandier in texture – and care was taken to keep the character on each, to maintain the charm of traditional stop-motion techniques,”Framestore VFX主管Richard Coley说


由于3D打印的零件仅宽度和高度约15厘米,因此必须与Framestore VFX的VFX实力重新构想,Framestore VFX的VFX能力创建了基于CG的Lenovo产品,以在3D打印的套装中移动。“ [我们使用]整个过程中都清理了CAD数据Framestore集成的CG产品;固定片的宽度和深度仅15厘米左右,”said Coley“使用真实产品简直是不可能的。”This creates a unique and aesthetically sound mixture between traditional stop motion animation and visual special effects, all of which is set on the backdrop of a 3D printed set.


All in all, the strange combination of art forms and technologies are quite fitting for Lenovo’s #Goodweird campaign, which is asking their customers to both submit and vote on videos, image, and text created on Lenovo YOGA products. Check out the various 3D print- infused Lenovo advertisements below!

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