
3Dqueautomates metal 3D printing for affordable mass production

Vancouver-based 3D printing start-up3Dquehas reported it has successfully proven the cost-effectiveness of its Quinly 3D printer automation upgrade on theUltimaker S5

早期的测试结果表明,Ultimaker S5上的Quinly升级将打印机操作员的时间降低了90%,而每零件的成本降低了三分之二以上。3DQue认为,其自动化升级证明了金属3D打印用于批量生产的成本效益。

3DQUE联合创始人Mateo Pekic表示:“对于许多制造商而言,较低的前期和每一分部成本加上更少的运营商时间和更高的吞吐量,而不必引起零件堆叠的高风险是改变游戏规则的。”“ Quinly允许公司通过自动化其已拥有并正在用于塑料零件的Ultimaker S5来轻松扩展金属零件的生产。”

Eriks设施的Ultim雷电竞app下载aker S5 3D打印机。通过Ultimaker的照片。
Ultimaker S5 雷电竞app下载3D打印机。通过Ultimaker的照片。


3DQue的目标是由Pekic和企业家Stephanie Sharp于2018年创立的,是为制造商和企业家提供高批量的3D打印能力。该公司已经开发并推出了其专有的QSuite和QPOD产品,首先在Rapid + TCT 2019

公司首先安装了其QPOD平台Mitsubishi Chemical Performance Polymers(MCPP),该公司能够进行广泛的材料兼容性测试,以研究其潜力作为注射成型的替代方法。

Essentially, the Quinly package enables those seeking to run a 3D printing business to ramp up their production without having to constantly monitor their products’ progress. 3DQue launched itsQuinly自动化升级套件for Creality’s Ender 3 machines in May. The kit includes subscription-free automation software, a gravity-assisted print bed and the STL files needed to print machine ‘tilt’ brackets.

In July, 3DQue扩展了Quinly与所有Creality Ender 3克隆的兼容性,例如来自3D打印机制造商的以消费者为中心的Voxelab的Aquila 3D打印机Flashforge。Through this, 3DQue hopes to extend the freedoms of autonomous high-volume 3D printing to thousands of engineers.

Ender 3D打印机配备了3DQue的DIY Quinly套件。
Ender 3D打印机配备了3DQue的DIY Quinly套件。通过3Dque的照片。

Scaling up metal 3D printing

根据3DQue,全球金属商品市场的价值超过2万亿美元,但是对于金属3D打印而言,为了破坏市场,它必须能够以具有成本效益的方式进行大规模生产扩展。该公司已将三个主要瓶颈确定为金属印刷的缩放 - 高劳动力,设备和运营成本。

3Dquepredicts that, based on current methods, for the metal prints market to reach even one percent market share by 2025, companies would have to train more than four million skilled operators and spend some two trillion dollars in equipment.


斯蒂芬妮·夏普(Stephanie Sharp)表示:“将3D打印从批处理过程转移到连续流程的过程,自动化现有打印机并通过数字供应链连接生产,使公司能够成本效益地生产大量的内部或现场零件。”3DQUE系统的首席执行官。“通过重新制作生产,公司具有更大的灵活性,较低的库存并确保其供应链。


特色图像显示了使用公司的Essentials软件包对Ultimaker S5系统进行编程的Ultimaker S5系统。图像通过Ultimaker。
The Ultimaker S5 system being programmed using the company’s Essentials software package. Image via Ultimaker.


Ultimaker S5 Industrial 3D打印机基于融合细丝制造(FFF)技术。对机器上3DQue自动化升级的初步测试表明,启动高批量打印所需的资本可能会下降90%,从而降低了完全自动化打印机的高量金属印刷所需的前期投资成本。

使用Quinly Automated Ultimaker S5和BASF’sUltrafuse 316L和聚合物的多播丝。据报道,与3D打印机制造商生产的成本相比,零件成本下降了63%桌面金属结合金属沉积系统(BMD)。该测试继续与桌面金属的BMD技术进行比较,显示14个Quinly Automated Ultimaker S5的容量将提供类似的容量(每年63,230个零件),但成本少10倍,并占用一半的地板空间。

3Dque’s Quinly upgrade eliminates manual tasks such as removing parts, applying adhesives, uploading files, and so on. The tests on the Ultimaker S5 showed that Quinly was able to scale production without bumping up the number of operators needed to run the machines, and in fact decreased operator time by over 90 percent.




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Featured image showsEriks设施的Ultim雷电竞app下载aker S5 3D打印机。通过Ultimaker的照片。

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