
APIS COR的“法规A+”共享SEC提供绿光

Construction 3D printing firmApis Corhas gained approval from the美国证券交易委员会(SEC)首次开始在美国公开提供其股份。

Specifically, the firm has received Regulation A+ qualification, a form of exemption from registering for a public offering, that allows a business’ shares to be bought by accredited and non-accredited investors. Under SEC terms, now the move has been green-lit, Apis Cor could raise as much as $75 million over the next 12 months from selling stock, depending on both its share pricing and investor demand.

“We are so pleased to reach this milestone in our journey to revolutionize the construction industry,” said Anna Cheniuntai, CEO of Apis Cor. “We have dedicated a lot of time and effort to not only developing this tech, but also providing people with the opportunity to join us in reimagining how construction works.”

Apis Cor在阿联酋的创纪录的3D印刷建筑。
Apis Cor’s record-breaking 3D printed building in the UAE. Image via Apis Cor.

Apis Cor的“弗兰克”技术

APIS COR由Nikita和Anna Cheniuntai在俄罗斯建立,然后搬到美国,专门从事建筑添加剂制造技术的开发。雷电竞充值该公司提供的大部分产品都围绕其“ Frank”移动3D打印机旋转,据说该打印机能够以“无限的平方英尺”的高度建造高达三层的建筑物。

The company has also developed a ‘Gary’ mixing and pumping unit, designed to ensure that construction materials remain at high viscosity and yield repeatable builds, as well as a ‘Mary’ material delivery system, which is essentially a vacuum-sealed container that can be used to transport printing materials while protecting them from contaminants.

该公司利用其技术,在世界范围内建立了许多概念验证结构,包括迪拜的一栋建筑物Guinness World Recordas the largest ever of its kind. Recently, however, Apis Cor has focused its efforts closer to home, unveiling plans to 3D print a美国太空海岸的豪华住宅last year, which is set to be listed for $750,000 on the housing market.

As a continuation of these efforts to commercialize, the firm has launchedApis Cor Universityas well, a self-styled online concrete 3D printing ‘knowledge hub,’ on which it markets lesson packages for up to $749. Likewise, the business has opened itsfirst 3D printed home showroomAvenue Viera, Florida, in which it aims to showcase its technology and attract new clientele.

A potentially-lucrative ‘mini-IPO’


First introduced as part of the US JOBS Act in 2012, before being signed into law in 2015, Regulation A+ is designed to provide smaller firms with an easier means of accessing capital. Effectively split into ‘Tiers’ 1 and 2, offerings under this regulation allow firms to raise as much as $20 million and $75 million respectively over a period of 12 months, although they still remain subject to certain limitations.

When it comes to Tier 2 offerings, the amount of money a non-accredited backer can invest is capped, while these transactions continue to be subject to the anti-fraud provisions of the SEC’s federal securities laws, meaning that those selling shares are still responsible for ensuring that they don’t make false or misleading statements about their business.

尽管APIS COR尚未指定已获得哪种级别的资格,但以上的结果是它现在能够吸引新的美国投资者。该公司目前得到风险投资公司的支持炼金术师加速器andAt One Ventures, it believes that with further investment, it could be able to expand on its portfolio in a way that allows it to address even further construction applications.

“We’ve been refining the process, fighting to reclaim seconds, then minutes from the overall construction time – leading to increasing gains,” added Cheniuntai. “We’re working to shave months and years from typical construction times, to help people who are most at-need of housing – people who can’t afford to wait, and we’re creating fully-autonomous equipment that can print buildings on Earth and beyond.”

“我们热衷于开发更多的技术和解决方案来加快整个建设过程,就像亨利·福特(Henry Ford)自动化汽车制造业务一样。”

图标的“下一代” Vulcan 3D打印机。
To-date construction 3D printer manufacturer ICON has raised $266 million in funding. Image via ICON.

Penetrating a $16.6 trillion market

Citing marketresearchvaluing the global construction market at $16.6 trillion, Apis Cor says the money raised via its share offering will enable it to “lead the way” in carving out a niche in the sector for concrete 3D printing. However, the Floridian firm is not the only developer of the technology seeking to better commercialize it, and plenty of others have also raised significant capital towards this cause.

建筑3D印刷的早期领导者之一,ICON,raised $207 million in Series B funding在2021年8月,比Apis Cor的份额要多得多。该公司的筹款活动在其上市之后first homes on the US housing market, which based at theEast 17th Streetdevelopment, were said to start at $450,000 each.

加利福尼亚建筑初创企业强大的建筑物alsobrought in another $22 millionworth of funding in July 2021, taking its total raised up to $100 million. Leveraging its portfolio of 3D printing, robotics, and advanced composite materials, the firm pledged at the time to spend the additional investment on accelerating its carbon neutrality roadmap, and expanding its supply chain network.

与此同时,在德国,PERI Group通过属于3D打印技术的商业化,继续取得进展COBOD,它目前拥有少数股份的公司。BOD 2system, PERI has managed to erect an entire三楼的公寓楼在Wallenhausen, which has reportedly been divided into flats and marketed on the country’s housing market.


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特色图片显示Apis Cor在阿联酋的创纪录的3D印刷建筑。图像通过APIS COR。
