
Australian RIPPA could be the future of 3D printing and food

3D印刷正在发展农业,并可能改变收获农作物的方式。在柏林墙(11月9日)的前瞻性思想中,人们聚集在柏林,以评估未来的全球挑战。在本月早些时候的会议上,澳大利亚现场机器人技术中心(ACFR)的演讲介绍了农业技术的未来。ACFR研究与创新总监Salah Sukkarieh主持了一场演讲,讨论了机器人对农业技术的影响,

We are starting to see more and more robots on the farm, doing farm tasks and eventually, we are going to get to the stage where you see semi-automated or even fully automated farms happening.

RIPPA, pictured below, is one such example. The robot is solar powered and designed to work for long hours in the field. The robot’s name stands for ‘Robot for Intelligent Perception and Precision Application’ apt for its variety of sensors, and a nice hat-tip to its country of origin. The RIPPA can be complimented with the VIIPA, Variable Injection Intelligent Precision Applicator, in order to distribute liquid around a farm. Responding to Australia’s House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture and Industry Professor Sukkarieh explained how additive manufacturing plays a role in this project,


里帕(Rippa),太阳能农业机器人。Smriti Daniel的图像。
里帕(Rippa),太阳能农业机器人。Smriti Daniel的图像。


In addition to robots being used in farming, this week also brings news of 3D printings application to food processing. As previously reported by 3DPI, Germany’sBiozoon have 3D printed ‘Smoothfood’ to help feed the elderly. Developed for those who are unable to chew food properly, this process involves mixing food with an texturizing agent before 3D printing into a desirable shape and soft texture. This is advantageous as it can motivate those who have lost their appetite to eat, and the 3D printing process allows a higher number of meals to be prepared than a chef would otherwise have time to make.


The food on this plate has been 3D printed by Biozoon for sufferers of dysphagia. Image via Biozoon.
The food on this plate has been 3D printed by Biozoon for sufferers of dysphagia. Photo via Biozoon.

Furthermore we recently saw how雷电竞充值增材制造可以用来帮助远程农民访问技术进步。对于偏远地区的农民来说,3D打印备件可能是解决物流问题的可能性。从长远来看,与食物相关的3D打印的这一方面可能会带来更大的收益。
