Medical & Dental


Regenerative medicine firmctibiotech已经开发了一个new 3D bioprinting platform to deliver personalized medicine for patients with colorectal cancer.

普罗夫迪夫医科大学和the UMHAT-Eurohospital in Bulgaria, the platform is capable of producing cost-effective and reproducible human colon cancer disease models and can also be used for chemotherapeutic screening.

Ctibiotech总裁兼CSO教授Colin McGuckin教授说:“癌症疗法的进步需要新的人类模型进行药物测试。”“我们的3D模型首次为帮助患者提供准确的长期测试策略。”




Ctibiotech以前曾与化学公司合作巴斯夫的Care Creations arm to conduct research into人类皮肤腺的3D组织模型, and off the back of this began the development a 3D bioprinter capable of arranging sebaceous (skin) micro-glands into a dermatological model.

该公司还与瑞典3D BioProinter提供商合作Cellink过去investigate new therapies for patients with cancer。该公司使用Cellink的机器在LAB中创建肿瘤组织模型,这是乐观的,可以降低临床前药物筛查的40%损耗率。

最近,CtiBiotech成为世界上第一个3D Bioprint完全免疫的人体皮肤作为一部分nokoplasm项目。该公司正在为该项目提供数百种皮肤模型,以使财团能够验证其冷等离子体伤口愈合技术,以治疗受感染的烧伤和皮肤移植。



Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer, with more than 1.8 million new patients diagnosed each year around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts up to 12 million deaths in 2030 resulting from colon cancer, with poor prognoses for patients suffering from advanced forms of the disease.

However, according to the recent study carried out by CTIBIOTECH, the Medical University of Plovdiv and the UMHAT-Eurohospital, as little as 0.1 percent of all drugs make it from the lab to the hospital bedside due to high false-positive and false-negative rates of preclinical and clinical drug testing data.

To address this, the partners set about developing a novel bioprinting platform capable of developing cost-effective, robust, and reproducible disease models which better resemble in-vivo carcinomas and offer greater opportunities for individualized therapies.


Colin McGlucklin教授在CTI Biotech的生物打印机。通过CTI生物技术照片。
Prof Colin McGlucklin with a bioprinter at CTIBIOTECH. Photo via CTIBIOTECH.

Improving personalized drug development

目前,一种新药的发展需要一个average of 15 years and costs nearly €2.6 billion to reach the commercialization stage. Meanwhile, just 2 percent of molecules tested in the preclinical phase of drug development manage to reach the clinical phase, CTIBIOTECH says.

According to the company, its technology has the potential to reduce the time taken to develop new drugs by three years, while the time required for preclinical evaluation could be reduced from six years to two to three years. The CTIBioTumour platform could also reduce costs in the drug development chain by some 20 percent, reportedly saving up to €520 million per drug developed.


有关该研究的更多信息,请参见标题为:“大肠癌3D生物打印工作流程作为疾病建模和化学治疗筛查的平台,”发表在《生物工程与生物技术杂志》的边境发表。这项研究由Y. Sbirkov,D。Molander,C。Millet,I。Bodurov,B。Atanasov,R。Penkov,N。Belev,N。Forraz,C。McGuckin和V. Sarafian合着。



With cancer deaths预计到2040年将排名前1600万研究人员和科学家越来越多地研究3D生物打印等技术如何为癌症患者提供诊断和药物开发。

劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室(LLNL)研究了如何合并3D bioprinting with computational flow simulationscan provide a better understanding of how cancerous tumors are formed, while华盛顿州立大学已经开发了一个注入大豆的3D印刷骨状支架能够抵抗癌细胞。

在其他地方,韩国的ASAN医疗中心有3D印刷的手术指南,以帮助癌症手术期间的乳腺组织保留,并且雷竞技官网登录3D系统Collplanthave partnered to develop3D生物打印软组织结构suitable for breast reconstruction treatments.CaltechUC San Francisco科学家还使用了一种新的针对癌症治疗的方法3D printed ‘ChemoFilters’which direct chemotherapy drugs towards affected organs.

One of the most significant breakthroughs in cancer treatments where 3D printing is concerned is the recent获奖开发特拉维夫大学,关于3D打印首先胶质母细胞瘤肿瘤使用患者细胞。胶质母细胞瘤肿瘤模型可以通过使临床医生能够在现实的环境中测试新药的功效并加快药物开发来改善脑癌的治疗。

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