3DP Applications

HEXR and EOS set to scale up bespoke cycling helmet production via AR app

保护服装专家HEXR, with the help of leading PBF manufacturerEOS, has launched a new head scanning app allowing users to have a custom cycling helmet 3D printed. The “scan-to-print” platform is intended as a flexible and decentralized production system, enabling customizability without sacrificing product safety. Additional support in the development of the app came from global technology company西门子和材料专家阿克马

这3D printed helmet assembly. Image via HEXR.
这3D printed helmet assembly. Image via HEXR.

Fitting the dome

HEXR fitting appworks like so: customers around the world scan their own heads using the camera built into their phones (this is aided by AR and a special cap sent out by HEXR). These scans are uploaded via the app and a 3D model of the inner lining of a helmet matching the head shape is printed on an industrial-grade EOS system. The material used is a plant-based polyamide produced by Arkema. Once printing is complete, the inner lining is dyed black and inspected one last time for structural integrity and finish quality.

HEXR首席执行官杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)指出:“与传统的泡沫头盔相比,这项领先的制造过程的定制固有固有,并具有出色的独立安全测试成绩,我们可以通过3D打印来实现头盔技术的重大改进。”

结束,各种组件的头盔are assembled, including the printed inner structure, the outer shell, and the chinstraps. Customers also have the option to add a bit of extra spin on the product with personal engravings and a variety of shell colors. Since the helmets are printed on-demand, HEXR faces minimal risk with pre-financing and overproducing, which allows the company to just focus on refining its service.

这inner lining of the HEXR helmet has a honeycomb structure. Photo via HEXR.
这inner lining of the HEXR helmet has a honeycomb structure. Photo via HEXR.


这polyamide used for the inner lining is derived entirely from renewable castor oil – an area of expertise for Arkema. The beans grow in less than a year, do not compete with other food, and do not contribute to deforestation. The material itself has excellent impact resistance and is fairly lightweight, even more so when printed in the clever honeycomb structure formulated by HEXR.

西门子增材制造业副总裁Karsten Heuser博士总结说:“在我们的端到雷电竞充值端解决方案的帮助下,我们创建了一个工业化AM工厂的数字化双胞胎,并帮助优化了设计和简化生产流程,即使生产开始之前。通过将模拟,设计优化和生产方案与高度自动化相结合,我们能够显着预测和降低每零件的成本,从而使HEXR扩大其在大众生产中的应用。”

A crash test comparing a tradition bicycle helmet and a HEXR helmet. GIF via HEXR.
A crash test comparing a tradition bicycle helmet and a HEXR helmet. GIF via HEXR.

HEXR与EOS的合作实际上始于2015年,当时EOS开始以技术咨询的形式提供支持。去年,二人进行了最终的安全测试,并宣布了他们的头盔将开始运送给客户。Since then, HEXR has managed to bring in its additional industrial partners and hopes to grow to mass production, scaling its supply chain along the way.

就在这个月,EOS以及BASF,也有保证$1.37M in funding for developing 3D printed protective headgearfor the ongoingNFL头盔挑战。利用新颖的方法来保护齿轮制造,参与的公司能够创建更安全的产品,同时节省重量和成本 - 为该技术的新应用铺平了道路。

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Featured image shows the 3D printed helmet assembly. Image via HEXR.