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法国印刷和涂料公司装甲的additive manufacturing subsidiaryKIMYA帮助当地的启动帽子为了生产新的环保咖啡胶囊品牌的生产。

旨在简化咖啡荚回收过程ess, each CAPS ME receptacle features a six-part 3D printed mechanism that automatically refills it once used. After a successful pre-order campaign for the product, CAPS ME has now turned to KIMYA for help meeting demand, finding that its partner’s services allow it to rapidly iterate the capsule’s design, and scale its production without sacrificing on quality.

C雷电竞充值aps Me联合创始人让·德·博伊斯雷登(Jean de Boisredon)解释说:“增材制造能够通过使我们能够继续进行迭代,即使在零件的3D打印过程中也可以继续前进,从而确保了我们的灵活性。”“然而,这种灵活性并不能以牺牲产品质量为代价,我们从Kimya在整个项目中的质量控制专业知识中受益。”

Caps Me的胶囊具有独特的3D打印补充机构。图片通过我的帽子。


位于南特的Caps ME的旗舰产品是由两名学生在法国去年的第一个Covid-19锁定期间创建的,目的是为消费者提供一种更简单的方法来回收咖啡胶囊。该公司的钢制吊舱的设计比可支配的替代品短,以防止对用户的机器损坏,据说可以将每个吊舱重复使用多达1000次。

Describing the process of manually reloading capsules as “tedious and technical,” the start-up’s founders have also come up with a unique 3D printed refilling system. Once fitted to each pod, the mechanism is capable of repeatedly measuring out and refilling it with the correct coffee dosage. Based on this technology, the firm has now been able to launch an entire range including coffees, caps and custom lids.

实际上,自从胶囊的预订于去年年底开放以来,Caps Me被命令淹没了,因此不想错过增长机会,它与Kimya取得了支持。但是,根据公司联合创始人Thibaut Louvet的说法,其合作伙伴的选择不仅取决于确保产品质量或盈利能力,而且还能够尽可能道德地生产POD。

“Jean and I were determined to develop a solution with real meaning,” added Louvet. “This is why being able to rely on a production line in France was also a key criterion in our choice of partner. Printed directly in Nantes, the refilling mechanism is then assembled in the Paris region by workers with disabilities at an ESAT social inclusion establishment.”

我的联合创始人让·德·博伊斯雷登(Jean de Boisredon)和蒂博特(Thibaut Louvet)。
我的联合创始人让·德·博伊斯雷登(Jean de Boisredon)和蒂博特(Thibaut Louvet)。Photo via CAPS ME.


最初在众筹网站上推出Ulule,Caps Me的Pod几乎立即成为该网站最佳支持的广告系列之一,仅在一个月内获得了近2,000名支持者。在运送了第一批预订后,该公司于今年早些时候开始与Kimya合作,以生产大量的补充系统,最终是3D打印6,000个重新装载机或24,000个组件。

最初,Kimya的工程师与Caps Me紧密合作,以配置POD原型的文件以及其系统的参数,以获得最佳结果。一旦实现了这一目标,该公司在其产品设计上逐渐迭代,然后在制造部分循环灯丝中生产增强的模型,这是在制造过程中,该工艺有助于进一步进一步发展POD的环保凭证。

“ AM意味着成品的重量实际上与生产所需的材料的重量相同,” Kimya AM部门业务发展总监Pierre-Antoine Pluvinage解释说。“这就是为什么从设计阶段的开始,通过处理和升级材料从收集的废物中加工和升级材料,Kimya的环境影响减少了。”

Now on their fourth product iteration, the CAPS ME team continues to work with KIMYA to industrialize their processes and integrate user feedback into their capsule design. Using KIMYA materials, the firm has already been able to develop a food contact-safe product that’s compatible with most post-2010 machines, and it’s said to be developing aDolce Gusto,,,,塔西莫andVertuo- 组合变体。

KIMYA’s filaments continue to address wide-ranging applications. Photo via 3DGence.



Using a PEKK filament developed in-house at KIMYA Lab, the firm’s engineers are said to have been able to deliverindustry-standard protective coverswith cost savings and reduced lead times, that met exact resistance and flame retardancy specifications.

KIMYA’s conventional filament range also continues to find new applications, and just last year,它的三种材料是合格的for use withMakerBot’s方法x3D printer. By deploying its newly-qualified ABS Kevlar, ABS-ESD and ABS-EC alongside the METHOD X in this way, ARMOR is said to have made substantial savings at its facilities.

The system’s parameters were optimized as part of MakerBot’s wider材料开发计划,其中的Kimya,聚合物,,,,贾比尔and三菱化学是已知合作伙伴。自2019年以来,这些公司一直致力于使其与Makerbot机器兼容的工程级材料,以便在此过程中向用户开放新应用程序。

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特色图像节目Caps Me的咖啡胶囊产品范围。图片通过我的帽子。