3D Software

LINK3D launches additive manufacturing Digital Factory

Following a burgeoning demand for集成软件作为服务(SaaS)平台,纽约的Link3D已推出了用于增材制造自动化的数字工厂解决方案。雷电竞充值



In the Digital Factory, 3D printing jobs are either sent as quote requests (RFQs) to internal manufacturing facilities, or to external providers, selected by location and 3D printing method.

如果外包,该平台将利用Link3D的按需数据库 - 在全球32个国家 /地区列出了160个服务局,例如EOS和3D系统。发送到该平台的文件还受到军事级256位加密的保护,以确保不丢失IP。



Smarter part inventories

Orders are retained in the system asa digital part inventory易于重新订购和重新出价。

连接的团队成员可以将CAD SOFWARE和3D模型查看到软件中,可以在零件的设计中添加注释,以实时无线协作。

Real time collaboration in the Digital Factory. Image via LINK3D
Real time collaboration in the Digital Factory. Image via LINK3D

The system also has an integrated file verification process with auto-repair functionality, crunching polygons, filling holes and reducing the risk of part failure.

Tried and tested

根据兽医软件的早期采用者Paul Smirthwaite博士的说法,兽医的早期采用者说:“数字工厂通过将所有资源汇集到安全的在线平台中,从而大大简化了我的3D工作流程。”


link3D宣布发布数字工厂TCT 2017。


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Featured image shows the LINK3D Digital Factory additive manufacturing ecosystem. Image via LINK3D