
Nexd1 Kickstarter在争议中暂停

Kickstarter暂停了Next Dynamics的3D打印机众筹项目。他们的机器NEXD1在首次推出时对其大胆的主张引起了重大兴趣。德国团队声称打印机可以使用多物质和印刷电路板。但是,看来打印机真的太好了,无法实现。下一个动态,创作者昨晚发布了最后一个更新,并尝试了另一次尝试“减轻关注“。然而,似乎所提供的“证明”可能是伪造的。

We’ve been eagerly following this campaign with the希望3D打印机以某种方式辜负了炒作。我们甚至试图访问该团队本周早些时候在伦敦进行现场演示,但是下一个动态并未尝试参加。按照此,we raised red flags even after speaking to one of the Directors Alexander Straub,维持演示的人将被重新安排。现在,经过社区的更多调查,Kickstarter采取了行动。



Next Dynamics昨晚发布了一个更新,其中包含一段视频,展示了一个异常形状的鸡蛋的3D打印。由ksims on Shapewaysand reportedly being printed by the NexD1 is only available to purchase from Shapeways. Design files are not available publicly and according to Simon Huwyler, two orders for the egg were received in recent weeks which would correlate with those being used by Next Dynamics.

A comment from superbacker Massimiliano Merzi who has been very active in the comment threads on NexD1s page. Screenshot via Kickstarter.
A comment from superbacker Massimiliano Merzi who has been very active in the comment threads on NexD1s page. Screenshot via Kickstarter.

There’s more, it seems that the grainy proof video that Next Dynamics posted to appease the scepticism was a fake. Since thevideo uploaded to YouTube下动态显示了NexD1印刷过剩s without any supports, which would simply not be possible. Furthermore, it has been speculated that the footage was actually filmed in reverse. Rather than adding materials, backers are claiming the ‘printer’ sliced the already formed egg and then Next Dynamics reversed the recording. Producing a video that seemed as if the object was being formed layer-by-layer.





  • 虚假陈述或未能披露有关该项目或其创建者的相关事实。
  • 创作者正在将别人的作品作为自己的作品展示。
  • The creator is offering purchased items, claiming to have made them.
  • The creator is repackaging a previously-created product, without adding anything new or aiming to iterate on the idea in any way.

It seems Kickstarter could cite any one of these rules particularly misrepresentation for Next Dynamics continual lack of transparency. Other strange behaviour from the team includes cancelling a livestream, rescheduling it, and then cancelling it again. Additionally, director Alexander Straub commented on the project in its infancy as if he was not connected with the project. Yet it was later revealed that he was a director of the German company.

亚历山大·斯特劳布(Alexander Straub)的早期评论。通过Kickstarter屏幕截图。
Alexander Straub’s early comment. Screenshot via Kickstarter.




The outcome of this project is disappointing, however it is a victory for crowdfunding in general as it negates criticism that Kickstarter projects aren’t to be trusted. By stepping in, Kickstarter have supported the community and encouraged the use of crowdfunding for truly innovative projects. The users who helped unearth Next Dynamic’s falsehoods should be commended for their efforts and cynicism.


The NexD1 3D print. Photo via rkagerer on imgur
The NexD1 3D print. Photo via rkagerer on imgur

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特色图片显示下一个动力学的​​NEXD1 3D打印机。通过Kickstarter图像。