
RSA全球进入3 d打印技术虚拟仓库partnership with Immensa Technology Labs

迪拜的RSA全球has become the latest logistics company to adopt on-demand 3D printing services. In a new partnership withImmensa技术实验室, a致力于整个阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)的3D打印的公司RSA Global计划为3D可打印零件开发“虚拟仓库”。

RSA Global的联合创始人兼集团首席执行官Abhishek Ajay Shah表示:“技术一直是RSA业务战略的三个支柱之一,除了关注利基市场并成为价值驱动的解决方案提供商,

“ RSA全球以迅速采用技术为客户创造优势而自豪。”


RSA Global提供物理存储,分销,运输和国际货物,在世界各地有多个地点。有了Immensa Labs的“虚拟仓库”,RSA Global将能够为客户提供按需库存生产能力。

Additionally customers will be able to experience a greater scope for customization in the production line. With the ‘Virtual Warehouse’, only the necessary number of parts are printed which could reduce material waste for RSA Global.

“We are proud to be working with leading groups such as RSA Global and their forward thinking leaders,” said Fahmi Al Shawwa, CEO of Immensa.

“RSA Global has positioned itself at the forefront of this technological evolution by choosing to adopt this game-changing solution, which will provide impressive added value by freeing up cash and reducing shipping and storage costs through a virtually managed inventory.”

Immensa used its proprietary post-processing methods to produce black parts for a client. Image via Immensa Labs.
Immensa used its proprietary post-processing methods to produce black parts for a client. Image via Immensa Labs.


Immensa Technology Labs和RSA Global之间的合作伙伴关系标志着将3D打印在其商店中实施3D打印的物流公司的增长趋势。

Earlier this year, Swedish logistics company,PostNord Strålfors与之合作Stratasysto provide3D打印局服务和交付to customers in the Nordic region. In 2016,UPS与3D打印局合作Fast Radius,实施3D printers into UPS stores

Similarly, in January,联邦快递announced a new, 3D printing oriented, company named FedEx Forward Depots which will providesame-day delivery for local 3D printedparts.

On the partnership with RSA Gloabl, Immensa’s Al Shawwa reinforces this trend stating, “[3D printing] is catching the attention of logistics companies on a global level, with companies like UPS, FEDEX and many others taking steps to integrate it into their business.”

RSA logistics warehouse. Photo via RSA
RSA logistics warehouse. Photo via RSA


Immensa has a similar arrangement withConsolidated Contractors Company(CCC), creating a数字库存CCC在建筑行业的备件。

其他公司还取得了数字化的飞跃,例如德国铁路公司Deutsche Bahn, which plans to have13,000 parts digitized by 2019。And in 2017, German automobile company,Volkswagen, also announced plans tobegin digitizing and 3D printing备件。

Shah concludes, “Immensa is a leader in its field and we are delighted to have this exclusive partnership with them as it comes to support our vision of being a third party supplier with the ability to offer customers a complete and seamless, integrated solution.”

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Featured image is RSA warehouse. Image via RSA