
Sakuu takes total funding to $62M in bid to market 3D printed batteries by 2022

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电池3D打印专家Sakuu Corporation宣布关闭后续融资回合,其总资本筹集到6200万美元。

该公司利用其新发现的投资,旨在为H2 2022中的第一代固态电池(SSB)以及未来第二次迭代电池3D打印机的发行提供资金。该公司的第二代电池的能量密度是能量密度的两倍,重量比现有锂离子细胞少30%,在储能,微反应器和电子产品中具有潜在的住宅和工业应用。

“I am incredibly grateful for our investor’s continued support,” said Robert Bagheri, CEO of the Sakuu Corporation. “This funding will allow us to execute on our key objectives: commercializing the world’s first true multi-material, multi-process additive manufacturing platform, expanding our R&D team and continuing to develop advanced materials and groundbreaking active devices.”

Sakuu AM平台的内部。通过Sakuu的照片。
Sakuu’s ‘AM Platform’ combines binder jetting and powder bed fusion technologies to 3D print batteries. Photo via Sakuu.


Sakuu以前称为Keracel,是一个Musashi Seimitsu-backed manufacturer of SSBs that has consistently touted the electric vehicle (EV) applications of its technologies. After rebranding earlier this year, the company unveiled itsSakuu AM Platform这是一种能够将粘合剂喷气机和粉末床3D打印的多物质系统处理,以处理同一部分层内的多种陶瓷和金属。


自2021年5月宣布其3D打印机的“ Alpha”版本以来,Sakuu获得了三项新专利这可以使其进一步提高其SSB生产过程的效率和灵活性。其中包括一种新型的混合固态设计,可能会产生更快的电池,以及基于电视的3D打印机,能够提高其制造的速度和精度。

该公司还开始建造一个pilot battery 3D printing facility展示其技术的生存能力,并使用它们为其早期访问合作伙伴创建样本。一旦在2021年晚些时候完成,该综合大楼最初定于每年生产高达2.5 MWH的SSB,并通过Sakuu AM平台的机队在2022年进行扩展,该平台每年将产生高达1 GWH的容量。


Bringing ‘SSBs’ to market


Sakuu has also 3D printed a marketable version of its first-gen battery as well as a demonstrator of its second iteration ‘ASSB,’ which it expects to accelerate the adoption of SSBs within EVs and elsewhere, when put into full production by 2023.

同时,该公司在其飞行员设施中与霍尼韦尔相关行业to develop first-gen samples, and ship them to undisclosed ‘key partners.’ Not only has this allowed it to secure ‘volume SSB commitments’ from EV and mobility clients, but Sakuu says that it’s now in a position to commercialize in a way that “leapfrogs competitive technologies,” and puts it “well ahead of its peers.”

Bagheri补充说:“我们正在扩大我们的运营以支持我们的飞行员线,并为Sakuu 1000 AM平台的商业推出做准备,这将使我们的客户能够解锁突破性产品并在多个参数上实现行业领先的性能指标。”

“With the additional funding, we are excited to continue developing our AM platform in support of our strategic customers and early access partners.”

A 5x5 cm-squared pouch cell with luminous LED, 3D printed using Blackstone's mysterious technology.

Juiced-up 3D printed cells

Although battery 3D printing largely remains an emerging technology, its development and commercialization have come on leaps and bounds over the last year. Back in June 2021,黑石资源,据说其子公司正在发展3D打印锂离子电池,宣布正在考虑在美国证券交易所上市。

UK-based 3D printer manufacturer光中心还建立了一个专用电池研发部门,在其中设计自己的节能存储设备。据报道特斯拉’s即将到来的Giga植物。

同样,在学术领域,研究人员加利福尼亚理工学院(加州理工学院)开发了一种方法DLP 3D打印锂离子电极that demonstrate enhanced battery performance. Using their novel technique, the team have been able to create complex polymeric structures that function as both stable anodes and cathodes.

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特色图片显示了Sakuu AM平台的内部。通过Sakuu的照片。