



“The goal is to safely remove contaminants from water without releasing any problematic chemical residue,” explained study co-author and assistant professor of environmental engineering at UB, Nirupam Aich. “The aerogels we’ve created hold their structure when put into water treatment systems, and they can be applied in diverse water treatment applications.”




Recently, scientists have experimented with assembling nanosheets into macroscopic aerogels, lending them a higher absorption capacity and making them more retrievable. However, such graphene aerogels are rarely deployed within treatment facilities due to processing restrictions, that prevent them from being incorporated into industrial purifying reactors, columns and filters.

By contrast, Direct Ink Writing (DIW) offers users precise control over the size, shape and architecture of parts produced, while the process’ repeatability makes it highly scalable. Already, 3D printing has been deployed to create thermal, energy and biomedical graphene devices, hence the Buffalo scientists surmised that it could be used to develop a mass-manufactured water purifying system as well.

A 3D printed bottle-cap water filtration system.


In order to produce aerogels quickly and consistently, the researchers first needed to create a graphene-based ink, with the properties to allow water absorption while preventing particle agglomeration. To achieve this, the Buffalo team added the bio-inspired polydopamine (PDA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) to a GO powder, yielding a novel viscoelasticity-optimized 3D printing material.

利用翻新Ultimaker2 GO 3D printer, the researchers then fabricated a 12 mm (D) x 4 mm (H) cylindrical test sample, before freezing and freeze-drying it, leaving a G-PDA-BSA aerogel. During subsequent testing, the team repeatedly exposed their material to organic solvent loaded-water, as a means of assessing its contaminant removal capacity.

On each occasion, the graphene aerogel was able to remove 100% of the solvents, while reducing colored dye contamination by up to 20%. In later design iterations, the scientists even managed to reconfigure their aerogel, so that it could root-out heavy metals like lead and chromium, alloys that remain difficult to remove at current water decontamination facilities.



3D printed purification devices

鉴于3D打印允许使用的低成本和设计灵活性,它越来越多地用于创建新颖的设备,使饮用水更容易为有需要的人使用。就在去年,University of Cambridge旋转蓝色水龙头received英国创新为其资金3D printed chlorine doser,可以将其安装在发展中国家的水系统上,以使其安全饮用。

Similarly, researchers at theUniversity of Bathhave developed a3D打印的水净化“平板”,这利用太阳的热量和紫外线来杀死生活在液体中的有害微生物。该技术旨在为不太富裕的亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲社区提供干净的饮用水。

在更军事上,GE Research最近被授予1430万美元国防高级研究计划局(DARPA) to 3D print a device that用薄空产生水。便携式系统是为了为最多150名士兵提供水,后来可以部署以解决世界各地的水短缺。

The researchers’ findings are detailed in their paper titled “Emerging investigator series: 3D printed graphene-biopolymer aerogels for water contaminant removal: a proof of concept。”这项研究由Arvid Masud,Chi Zhoub和Nirupam Aich共同撰写。


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