
SLM解决方案launches powerful new 12-laser NXG XII 600 metal 3D printer

German metal 3D printer manufacturerSLM解决方案在TheformnextConnecttrade show.

twe SLM的巨幅机配备lve 1 KW lasers that can operate simultaneously, making it 20 times faster than the firm’s own single-laser SLM 280. The NXG XII 600 has been custom-designed to mass produce large parts, and its enhanced size and speed could open up serial production applications for the system in the automotive and aerospace sectors.

“What we deliver here with 12KW of installed laser power is truly ground-breaking and a major step forward, not just for additive manufacturing, but for manufacturing in general,” said Sam O’Leary, COO of SLM Solutions. “For the first time in the history of additive manufacturing, you can have true serial production fully integrated into your supply chain.”

“The NXG Xll 600 is a revolution in industrial manufacturing.”

SLM’s metal 3D printing solutions

SLM Solutions总部位于德国Luebeck,是开发和生产选择性激光熔化(SLM)添加剂制造系统的专家。雷电竞充值该公司当前的机器投资组合包括SLM 125,SLM 280,,,,SLM 500,,,,SLM 800系统,现在已将NXG XII添加到其商业产品中。

SLM有failed to hit its revenue targets直到去年,但此后已经反弹并报告了第1季度2020年创纪录的增长,然后是37%的收入增加在其最新财务中。该公司的销售成功可能归因于与一系列航空和汽车制造商签署的开发合同。

与航空航天集团合作霍尼韦尔例如,今年早些时候,SLM制作了一个参数集3D打印铝F357与其系统。该公司还与空间公司Orbex和法国supercar manufacturer Bugatti,,,,to develop critical components for their rocket engines and brakes respectively.

基于与其汽车和航空航天伙伴合作所获得的经验,SLM现在针对这些市场,其新的NXG XII 600大型快速制造系统

SLM's new NXG Xll 600 system has been designed to mass produce large format parts for clients in the automotive and aerospace industries.
SLM’s new NXG Xll 600 system (pictured) has been designed to mass-produce large-format parts for clients in the automotive and aerospace industries. Image via SLM Solutions.

The NXG XII 600 and mass manufacturing

SLM is aiming to “push productivity to the next level” with its latest 3D printer, which features twelve optimized 1 KW lasers, that enable it to provide users with “unrivaled” build-up rates. Designed from the ground up for mass production, the new system includes a whole new optics system that according to the company at least, makes it “the most compact on the market.”

NXG XII 600的光学设置基于激光扫描系统,该系统已量身定制以适合其构建区域,并在打印过程中允许大量重叠。这十二个光学器件中的每一个都具有带有“ Zoom功能”的双镜头系统,该系统使客户能够在焦平面中的不同点尺寸之间进行选择。

这种增强的镜头系统不仅可以将机器的堆积率提高到1000 cc/h,而且从单个打印作业中产生了更高的零件,从而降低了用户的总体成本。SLM的新系统还具有600 x 600 x 600毫米的大型构建信封,以比以前更快的速度生产大型零件。

除了增强的光学元件外,NXG XII 600还采用了新的热概念设计,可将漂移最小化,并使用户能够将零件与所有十二激光一起“缝制”。操作机器也变得更加容易,并且其新的UI软件通过减少可能需要的任何初始培训来致力于实现生产力。

To facilitate the integration of the NXG XII 600 into existing setups, SLM has fitted it with an automatic build cylinder exchange and included both external preheating and depowdering stations. Clients can also choose between two tailored powder handling options in the form of gravity or vacuum-based system, to maximize throughput by reducing any downtime.

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特色图片显示SLM的新NXG XII 600 3D打印机。通过SLM解决方案图像。