
SLM Solutions签署了1300万美元的3D打印机订单,用于10 SLM 500机器

德国的SLM解决方案已签署了迄今为止最大的单一订单。该合同是10 SLM 500多激光金属添加剂制造机。雷电竞充值

这笔交易是通过中国的销售渠道合作伙伴进行的,该公司说这是第一阶,”in this magnitude that SLM Solutions has received for the SLM 500 machine type。”

SLM Solutions says that the deal, “is a proof for the high demand worldwide for additive manufacturing systems suited for professional industrial applications. The machines are to be delivered to a customer in China and are to be accepted within the next 15 months。”

SLM Solutions在Formnext 2016.迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


The SLM 500 multi-laser 3D printer is the largest in the range of machines made by SLM Solutions. The metal 3D printer can use up to 4 700W lasers simultaneously, this “enables production costs per manufactured component to be optimised while at the same time offering freedom of geometric design。”

SLM Solutions Group AG管理委员会成员UweBögershausen订单说:“This order supports our growth track. It is an important milestone for further tapping the extremely important Chinese market and underscores again the benefits of SLM Solutions’ multilaser technology。”

The Chinese 3D printing market

中国拥有一个积极的增材制造市场,其中包括雷电竞充值国内和国际3D打印机制造商的竞争。最近,惠普宣布与Shining 3D Eprint达成协议,将看到50 HP Multi Jet Fusion systems purchased by the company over the next 3 – 5 years.

Shining 3D在其服务局使用了一系列3D打印机。雷电竞app下载该公司还是大格式SLA 3D打印机的制造商,包括ISLA-650,其印刷量为650x600x400mm,重1000千克雷电竞app下载。

Local industrial 3D printing companies active in the region include this year’swinners of the 3D Printing Industry enterprise level OEM of the year,西安明亮的激光技术。该地区活跃的其他3D印刷公司包括Hunan Farsoon高科技,Zrapid Technologies和Raycham Laser Technology。

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