
Stratasysand nTopology introduce new Masking Fixture Module to DfAM tool for jigs and fixtures

3D printer manufacturerStratasys和工程软件开发人员Ntopology已经在其FDM灯具发电机设计自动化工具中添加了一个新的掩码夹具模块,用于3D打印夹具,固定装置和其他工具。


遮罩灯具模块is the second module to be added to the FDM Fixture Generator, focused on automating the design work required for 3D printed fixtures and removing the need for manual masking techniques.



Stratasysand nTopology teamed up last year to enable users of Stratasys’ FDM technology to fast track production in a DfAM-oriented manner and better leverage the technology’s design freedom. The ongoing partnership combines nTopology’sNTOP软件平台with Stratasys’ FDM technology to provide users with shorter lead times and improved production efficiency.

该合作伙伴于去年11月为其用户推出了一系列拟议的可访问和可定制DFAM程序的第一个,即FDM装配夹具发电机。DFAM Workflow利用Ntopology的拓扑优化软件引擎来自动化FDM流程的夹具和固定装置的设计,例如套件托盘,存储箱,存储箱和其他简单的固定装置,以支持制造运营。








这DfAM program enables engineers to keep parts safe and clean throughout the manufacturing process. Image via nTopology.
这DfAM program enables engineers to keep parts safe and clean throughout the manufacturing process. Image via nTopology.


自动化、软件和数据都是关键因素in delivering mass customization of 3D printed parts and unlocking large-scale additive manufacturing. Several recent software developments aiming to optimize and automate workflows are making ground in this area and aiding users in implementing their production processes to enable new applications.

In October last year, multinational printing firmHP揭开了它的Universal Build Manager,由西雅图的软件公司提供支持Dyndrite,试图帮助客户简化,自动化并加快建立准备across their 3D printing workflows. The platform is designed to facilitate the mass-customization of parts while automating and streamlining complex workflows.

同时,后处理和自动化公司am-flowraised $4 million in Series A funding to build on its suite of artificial intelligence (AI) based robotics solutions to providefull end-to-end automation3D打印过程。

仅今年,AI软件公司就一年了Oqtonraised $40 million to further develop itsAI-powered automated 3D printing software platform,同时增材制造软雷电竞充值件提供商重力拉系统发射工作流优化系统用于工业3D打印。

In February, technology startupSelectam推出了新的software for automated part identification,虽然本周3D打印机制造商机器人launched what it claims is“世界的第一个”工业自动化系统将超级聚合物和复合3D打印带入生产工作流程中,以应对添加剂制造中的标准化和过程控制挑战。雷电竞充值

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