
ExOne’s binder jet 3D printing technology shakes up automotive tooling

Manufacturing service providerFreeFORM Technologies正在使用Binder Jet 3D打印技术ExOne为汽车部门生产轻巧的工具。

具体而言,该公司最近3D为工业自动化公司打印了一个复杂的组件工具组件Allegheny Electric Service。该零件使用17-4PH不锈钢制成,旨在与六轴集成Fanucrobot as part of an automated part inspection system.

通过在金属SLS系统上选择Exone Innovent+ 3D打印机,FreeForm能够将制造成本从672美元降低,而激光印刷的价格仅为150美元,而Binder Jet的零件则最小化了零件的重量。

业务发展副总裁克里斯•艾洛FreeFORM Technologies, states, “This project shows exactly why we started the company, to help customers solve challenging problems. Binder jetting was really the only way to go for this project. It was one-fourth the cost of DMLS, and we did it in a strong material that reduced the payload on the robot. As Allegheny Electric Service rolls this technology out, it’s going to be a bigger savings for their customers.”


Optimizing automotive inspection

当Allegheny Electric寻求制造商时,该公司需要的是耐用且轻巧的耦合件,用于其检查机器人的手臂。整个系统必须拾取并将六个不同的零件放在检查线上。不停地在三班上运行,该公司机器人检查的零件数量每年可高达500,000。

Typically, the stainless steel piece would be 3D printed in a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer or machined out of a strong, lightweight metal such as aluminum. While the initial prototype was 3D printed in a reinforced composite, the weight requirements and processing volumes of the project meant that the composite simply wasn’t durable enough.

“It would have had less life, and they couldn’t afford the risk of dropping the part into the inspection station, which costs several thousands of dollars,” explains Aiello. “The rigidity and strength just wasn’t there for the biggest parts.”

此外,加工铝我们的一部分uld have pushed the upper weight limit for the FANUC robotic arm, rendering it a risky choice. Using generative design software, FreeFORM was able to strike a perfect balance between durability and weight, 3D printing the part out of stainless steel with a final mass of just 95 grams.


The 3D printed stainless steel component measures 12 x 5 x 5cm. Photo via ExOne.
The 3D printed stainless steel component measures 12 x 5 x 5cm. Photo via ExOne.

A new route to tooling production

With the completion of the project, both Allegheny Electric and FreeFORM now have a tried-and-tested, affordable method of durable part production. FreeFORM also claims the metal parts it 3D prints using ExOne systems are equivalent in quality to those it traditionally manufactures, but without any of the tooling or geometric constraints.

“We are always working within the design constraints of traditional manufacturing. Now we can focus on design intent and process optimization to meet or exceed our customers expectations,” said Jake Shannon, Design Engineer at Allegheny Electric Service. “We will definitely continue to offer our customers end of arm tooling produced with binder jet 3D printing. An important feature for us to offer our customers is how this technology reduced the payload on the robot.”

Exone Innovent+ 3D打印机。通过Exone的照片。
Exone Innovent+ 3D打印机。通过Exone的照片。

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