
访谈:FormNext启动挑战赛冠军2020 - Nematx

Continuing with our profiles of the2020 formnext start-up challengewinners is NematX. NematX was founded earlier this year to focus on next-generation high-performance polymer 3D printing.

CTO&联合创始人Nematx的Silvan Gantenbein向3D印刷行业进行了采访。

First concept models for 3D printed medical devices from LCP materials. Photo via Nematx.
First concept models for 3D printed medical devices from LCP materials. Photo via Nematx.


SG: NematX is a spin-off company from ETH Zurich, Switzerland specializing in high-performance polymer 3D printing. The company was founded in April 2020 to commercialize the extensive knowledge gathered at ETH in the field of high-performance materials for 3D printing. Being close to a world-leading technical university also gives NematX access to a large pool of well-educated and highly motivated young people to drive further innovation in the highly dynamic AM ecosystem.

3DPI: Can you tell us more about your team’s background and experience with AM?

SG:NEMATX背后的核心技术是在我在苏黎世Eth Zurich的博士学位论文中开发的。作为具有深入聚合物加工专业知识的材料科学家,我正在寻找一种解决方案,以提高3D印刷聚合物零件的质量差。经过深入评估后,我想出了一种基于液晶聚合物(LCP)的优化材料制剂,用于挤出基于AM。通过这种方法,我获得了最终部分属性,这些属性远远超过了现有的聚合物3D打印技术。

3DPI: What does your company do?

SG: NematX介绍下一代of extrusion-based high-performance polymer AM. With our patented “Nematic 3D Printing” technology we are pioneering the use of LCPs to manufacture lightweight polymeric parts with properties rivaling metal and composite AM. Our parts show ten times higher mechanical properties than current benchmark polymers, superior temperature stability beyond 250°C, and excellent degradation resistance in chemical and biological environments.

A selection of industrial use cases realized with Nematic 3D Printing technology. Photo via NematX.
A selection of industrial use cases realized with Nematic 3D Printing technology. Photo via NematX.

3DPI: How does your company fit into the additive manufacturing ecosystem?

SG: NematX follows a systemic approach to AM, with a strong focus on the optimal interplay between materials, hardware, and software to achieve superior part performance from 3D printing. In the current ecosystem, we are best described as an AM service provider with the goal to fully implement our technology into production environments of our customers. For this purpose, we develop custom material formulations and AM processes in close collaboration with our partners in Aerospace & Space, Medical, and Industrial markets to obtain superior performance and cost advantages compared to existing manufacturing solutions.

3DPI: How would you describe the roadmap for your enterprise in the coming years?


3DPI: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?

SG: Drop in on us at this year’s (somewhat unusual) Formnext, we’ll be happy to tell you more about our vision or discuss how we can help you realise your ideas. But we are also happy about every visitor who comes by and just says ‘Hello’.

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Featured image shows NematX offers application-specific LCP materials and manufacturing processes for 3D printed high-performance parts. Photo via NematX.