





关于AM劳动力开发的“正确”解决方案有很多猜想,但是很少有现实世界中的用户可以直接与他们实施的实践来缩小技能差距。克里斯·乔斯特(Chris Joest)帝国机器和工具公司,就是这样一个人。

我remember how my dad handled things in the very early days of computer controlled machining centers; the dilemma he faced then isn’t much different than the one we’re facing now. He used to say ‘work with the willing, and go from there’. I’ve always kept that in the back of my mind.

作为3一家73岁的高级制造公司的一代领导者 - 具有两个SLM金属添加剂制造系统和40多轴CNC加工中心 - Joest了解不断变化的人工需求,以及在添加剂和减法方面的成功要求雷电竞充值过道。

Haas CNC加工中心是帝国传统制造舰队的一部分。
Haas CNC加工中心是帝国传统制造舰队的一部分。

Developing a skilled workforce can be split into 2 parts; training in-house for immediate labor needs, and working with educators and instructors long-term to make sure the young folks out there are well prepared for the workforce they’re going to enter. I’m not worried about overcoming the additive manufacturing skill gap; it will take time, certainly, but it will happen naturally as folks recognize the opportunities afforded by metal AM. In the meantime we work with the resources available.

Imperial的金属添加剂制造机雷电竞充值,均为SLM 280 HL系统。
Imperial的金属添加剂制造机雷电竞充值,均为SLM 280 HL系统。


Joest expanded on his approach to in-house training.

The best candidate for our AM operation is a smart and hard-working individual, with a sincere curiosity about AM technology. Age doesn’t play nearly as much of a role as one might think. We certainly have our fair share of younger folks involved in our hybrid manufacturing operations, but we also involve our most experienced and skilled machinists. The older guys don’t miss a beat once they learn the basics, and they bring an insight that can only be achieved from a lifetime dedicated to fabricating complex designs.


Imperial的团队通过提供了他们所谓的“混合制造”,结合了添加剂和减法制造技术,以实现无法实现任何其他方法的设计。Joest说,混合制造是一种整体方法,而不是一组特定的操作。例如,在设计阶段之前,在每个项目的开头评估和实施了功能设计注意事项 - 例如AM构建方向和支持结构,以及在加工过程中添加用于固定功能的功能。

一个“混合制造”的不合当组件,加上制造,然后精确加工。This component was made in collaboration with宾夕法尼亚州立大学的CIMP-3D设施


Joest highlighted an important point about recruiting from diverse backgrounds.

Many of our competitors hire engineers for their additive operations, but I often question why they don’t explore other candidates as well.






This is part 1 in a series looking at the additive manufacturing skills gap. Part 2 will examine how the metal AM industry is working with schools to engage students early in their academic careers.订阅我们的免费新闻通讯并跟随我们活跃的社交媒体帐户to make sure you don’t miss it.

如果你想招募那些熟练的在任何aspect of 3D printing, or if you’re seeking a job in the additive manufacturing industry –在这里与我们联系。

Student fascinated by a spinning planetary gearset, additively manufactured as one piece without assembly.
A Student fascinated by a spinning planetary gearset, additively manufactured as one piece without assembly.

特色图片显示,学生被激光烧结过程迷住了;很好elegant to watch

有关此主题的更多信息 Artec 3D的Andrei Vakulenko的3D扫描未来