

这版我们的3D打印新闻摘要切成薄片,问以下问题:如何使用3D打印将女性的第一个雕像带到英国议会广场?如何使用3D打印重新创建一世纪的罗马头盔?世界上最长的3D印刷链多长时间?所有这些以及更多来自EnvisionTec,Massivit 3D,Boeing和Siemens PLM软件。


来自Écal大学, Switzerland, started a pop-up factory during Milan Design Week, where they 3D printed a range of objects on-the-spot. Named the ÉCAL Digital Market, the pop-up explores how 3D printing is changing the nature of manufacturing.

Custom Prototypes, a Toronto-based 3D printing bureau, took first place inamug’sadvanced finishing category for a metal 3D printed 1st-century Roman helmet. The helmet’s structure is 3D printed in 316 stainless steel. A lengthy finishing process involved manual and electro-polishing. The helmet was then plated in copper, nickel, chrome and 24-carat gold.

Custom Prototype's metal 3D printed Roman helmet. Photo via Custom Prototypes.


美国。国家科学基金会给了工程研究员Prahalada Rao,内布拉斯加州林肯大学a five-year grant to work on a new process that Rao is calling “Smart Additive Manufacturing.” Combining additive and subtractive processes with an array of sensors, Rao hopes to produce flawless metal parts. “You’ve got so many sensors. The trick is how do you use all of that data you’re collecting to pinpoint when and where an error occurs and then correct as you build,” said Rao.

巨大3D,大型3D打印机的生产商,将拥有其欧洲总理雷电竞app下载Massivit 1500 Exploration 3D Printer在2018年FESPA全球印刷博览会上。该博览会于5月15日至18日在德国柏林举行。Massivit首席执行官Avner Israeli表示:“借助1500次,各种规模的印刷商店可以从3D打印的大格式打印中受益于无限的创造力和新的商机。”

兰霍恩地毯位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的公司合同原始剂to improve the design the “master cylinder” used in its carpet looms. The original cylinders were made of increasingly threatened Cuban Mahogany, and were crucial to the carpet-weaving process. ProtoCAM improved the design, making each cylinder removable, easily replaceable, and significantly lighter than the original.

A master cylinder 3D printed for Langhorne Carpet's loom (left). Photo via ProtoCAM.

德国的研究人员化学技术大学在研究了两年后,已完全3D打印了电动机。该过程中的关键步骤是成功地打印了300°C以上温度的线圈。研究人员之一Joannes Rudolph说:“在Chemnitz University实验室印刷的电动机代表了一个突破,同时也是原则的证明 - 证明了我们技术的可行性。”

英国的议会广场以许多重要的历史人物的雕像为特色,但没有女性雕像。至少直到本周,米利森特·加勒特·福塞特(Millicent Garrett Fawcett)雕像揭幕。Garrett Fawcett was the leader of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), which was crucial the fight for the women’s vote in 1918. Gillian Wearing, a Turner Prize-winning artist, created the statue using 3D printing as one of the many techniques.

讲话设计师Wearing said “Making it was very complex. Many different techniques were used, such as 3D printing [and] photographic machine etching. I wanted something owned by Millicent in the sculpture [so] settled on a brooch she was given from the NUWSS. It was scanned and printed so it’s an exact replica of the original.”

Millicent Garrett Fawcett雕像,议会广场。丹·基特伍德(Dan Kitwood)的照片通过盖蒂图像。
Millicent Garrett Fawcett雕像,议会广场。丹·基特伍德(Dan Kitwood)的照片通过盖蒂图像。

波音investing in Metal 3D printing from Morf3D

Goceram AB,总部位于瑞典,是用于压力粉注射成型(PIM)和3D打印的原料技术生产线的供应商。该公司已与智能材料和制造实验室合作Hong Kong Productivity Council(HKPC)用于亚洲太平洋的原型制作和生产开发。Goceram首席执行官罗伯特·庞培(Robert Pompe)博士说:“在我们的经验中,HKPC似乎是在PIM和AM内部的机械和能力方面最完整的资源,我们在任何地方,不仅在亚洲都看到了。”

Kanfit Ltdis an Israeli aerospace company using 3D printing to produce high-quality metal parts that are ready-to-fly. The company has been recertified to AS9100 Rev. D., after an audit conducted by the以色列标准机构。AS9100 Rev. D.是航空航天行业广泛采用的质量管理标准。

EUROPAC 3D,位于英国柴郡的3D印刷局与Siemens PLM Software将看到Europac 3 d销售西门子软件, providing its customers with a complete 3D scanning, design and printing solution. Martin Hassenstrauch, Siemens PLM Software’s Channel Marketing Manager for Northern Europe, said “We are pleased to work with Europac 3D to provide open, integrated solutions that improve the productivity of our mutual customers.”

澳大利亚金属3D印刷公司,Titomic Ltd,已经完成了1200万美元的私人安置。该安置以每股1.25美元的价格完成,等于10天的加权平均价格。这些资金将用于资助钛金属在新金属粉末设施等领域的扩张,以及公司工业规模金属3D打印能力的扩展。

细丝是英国,可持续3D打印丝的生产商。公司的产品系列将由3dgbireltd,一家用于3D打印机和设备的在线商店也位于英雷电竞app下载国。丝状已提名2018 3D印刷行业奖for “Material company of the year.”

波音世界上最大的航空航天公司已投资MORF3D, a California-based manufacturer of 3D printed parts for aerospace applications. The investment was made through Boeing’s地平线冒险臂。MORF3D的首席执行官Ivan Madera表示:“我们很高兴成为波音公司添加剂制造供应商基础的杰出合作伙伴,因为我们继续将流程化为高利率雷电竞充值生产值得飞行的加性制造组件。”


New releases from EnvisionTEC, and a metal resin from Tethon 3D

Tethon 3D是内布拉斯加州的3D打印陶瓷材料生产商,已发布了一种新的紫外线固化金属树脂铁岩。该材料是在本周首次引入的RAPID + TCTevent. Karen Linder, CEO of Tethon 3D, said “We want to provide this experimental metal material to those who wish to disrupt the metal 3D printing market, change how metal parts are designed and produced, and break boundaries.”

EnvisionTec是总部位于密歇根州的医疗,专业和工业雷电竞app下载市场的3D打印机的开发商。该公司最近推出了E-Rigid Form材料,这是一种类似聚氨酯的树脂,可打印硬和僵硬的零件。该材料的拉伸强度为68-73 MPa,是最强的3D打印材料之一。该公司用328英尺长的3D印刷链(世界上最长的3D印刷单件链链)展示了材料的强度。

EnvisionTec还发布了与其3D-Bioplotter Bioprointer兼容的新型医学级印刷材料。现在,该公司提供了UV Silicone 60a毫克和HT PCL MG。60a毫克是一种与紫外线固化的生物兼容,生物int和不可生物降解的硅橡胶。PCL MG是一种可生物降解的热塑性聚酯,用于在高温下处理。

EnvisionTec最大的两台3D打印机已收到硬件更新,雷电竞app下载以改善其分辨率。Vector UHD 3SP和Xede UHD 3SP现在能够以25微米的XY分辨率进行打印。

这world’s longest 3D printed single-piece chain. Photo via EnvisionTEC.

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