

3D printing has, in some ways, had its biggest, yet simplest impacts in the field of medicine through the development of 3D printed medical models. By translating existing medical data, from CT and MRI scans, into 3D printed models, doctors worldwide have been able to prepare for complex surgeries like never before. The anecdotal evidence as amounted to such an extent that one US startup,3D OPS正在进行全面临床试验查看该技术的实施更大。同时,这些故事继续覆盖全球。最新消息来自印度,医疗3D印刷公司Anatomiz3D Healthcare已帮助两名孟买医生成功地从一名53岁的患者手中清除了肿瘤。


A 53-year-old man in India was diagnosed with a 6-cm tumor on the upper portion of his left kidney. Determining that the tumor should be removed, the medical team turned to 3D printing to aid them in the surgery.

3月11日,CT被Anatomiz3D Healthcare(医疗保健部门)转换为3D模型Sahas Softech LLP,,,,以前在3DPI上覆盖

On March 14, the model was 3D printed with different colors to represent the different parts of the kidney’s anatomy – including the vein, artery, ureter, tumor, and other areas – all in a single build.

收到该模型后,外科医生Percy Jal Chibbar博士和放射科医生Shrinivas B. Desai博士来自印度孟买的Jaslok医院,于3月22日进行了机器人辅助腹腔镜部分肾切除术。需要去除肾脏,使另一半完好无损。进行手术的Chibber博士谈到该模型的效用说:“在这种情况下,技术考虑因素是:1。衡量肾脏实质内肿瘤深度的精确度,以及2.肿瘤的血管供应细节。3D模型使我对肿块位于肾脏内的深度进行了准确的评估。娱乐室内的倒入超声波将在很大程度上有助于。透明

The surgery was deemed a success, with the patient now in recovery. Ms. Firoza Kothari, Co-founder of Anatomiz3D Healthcare, concludes,“我们坚信,3D打印为医疗团队以及现有的2D技术提供了额外的优势,并且通过提供不同的观点来有助于塑造手术计划程序。”

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