
Australia’s oldest colonial boat unearthed for display by 3D scanning and 3D printing

在澳大利亚悉尼发现的一条19世纪的船已被带回现实,以展示澳大利亚国家海事博物馆by 3D scanning and 3D printing.

该船被称为Barangaroo船,在造船厂附近发掘了该船悉尼地铁for a new Barangaroo Station, and is expected to date back to around 1820. The site was taken over bysilentworld Foundation, an Australian non-profit focused on marine archaeology, history, culture, and heritage.

While the original boat is being prepared for display, the Silentworld team turned to Luxembourgish 3D scanner developer and manufacturerArtec 3d数字化每一块船和记录information they could. From the scan data, a replica of the boat is to be 3D printed and assembled as a test run before the team attempts the real thing in two to three years time.

“It was a development project that Sydney Metro was undertaking at several locations in Sydney city,” said Renee Malliaros, Project Manager and Maritime Archaeologist at Silentworld Foundation. “So, of course, they came across all sorts of maritime-related objects, including a little boat. Eventually, it was deemed safer for the object to be taken apart and to have each piece removed, recorded on-site, wrapped up, stored, and transported in refrigerated shipping containers.”

The Barangaroo Boat is thought to have been pulled up on shore at the end of its life, where it remained until it was unearthed during the excavations by Sydney Metro for the new Barangaroo Station. Photo via Irini Malliaros/Silentworld Foundation.
The Barangaroo Boat is thought to have been pulled up on shore at the end of its life, where it remained until it was unearthed during the excavations by Sydney Metro for the new Barangaroo Station. Photo via Irini Malliaros/Silentworld Foundation.



为此,他们将Artec 3D的专业知识带入了每艘船的每片3D扫描,并生产了数字3D型号,可以从该模型中大规模打印船。团队使用了公司的旗舰ARTEC EVA 3D扫描仪for the job, a lightweight, portable 3D scanner capable of producing accurate, textured 3D scans of small to medium-sized objects.

“I have spoken with Renee many, many times over the last few years, and have been up to visit them once the initial shipwreck was delivered,” said Ben Myers, Director of 3D scanning at Artec 3D’s gold-certified partnerThinglab。“这是一个特别有趣且令人兴奋的项目;不仅是因为这艘船是有史以来最古老的澳大利亚殖民地制造的工艺品,而且是为了管理这种工艺。使用EVA记录每件作品,然后以数字方式重建这是令人着迷的。”

Due to the detailed and complex nature of the task, the team brought in Belgian 3D recording specialist and maritime archaeologist Thomas Van Damme who has substantial experience in digitally recording ship timbers in this way. The team were able to scan the pieces of the boat far quicker and more accurately than they could have done with other methods, such as 2D drawings or 3D contact tracing.

托马斯·范·达姆(Thomas van Damme)展示了Barangaroo船的长而薄的木板的扫描技术。通过Irini Malliaros / Silentworld Foundation / Sydney Metro的照片。
托马斯·范·达姆(Thomas van Damme)展示了Barangaroo船的长而薄的木板的扫描技术。通过Irini Malliaros / Silentworld Foundation / Sydney Metro的照片。

“3 d数字化接触,你只跟踪the features that the archaeologist thinks are important, but you’re missing some features,” said Van Damme. “What Artec Eva gives you is an objective 3D reproduction of the timber itself having both geometry and color.”


Malliaros说:“使用Artec Eva进行扫描,其中一些作品很少,我只会在它周围拉过一次,将其翻转过来,再次将其拉动。”“我实际上很头晕,因为我走得这么快。捕获是如此的好和快速,我将其设置为实时融合,所以就像在我继续前进一样绘画。”

Maritime Archaeologist Renee Malliaros scans a boat timber from the interior hull planking layer of the Barangaroo Boat. Photo via Heather Berry / Silentworld Foundation / Sydney Metro.
Maritime Archaeologist Renee Malliaros scans a boat timber from the interior hull planking layer of the Barangaroo Boat. Photo via Heather Berry / Silentworld Foundation / Sydney Metro.

Processing and 3D printing the replica

Once the scan data had been collected, it was imported into 3D modeling softwareRhinowhere the team could highlight major features of the pieces. Scientific analyses of the fabric of the boat and the surrounding sediment are also underway.

“It is really important that we highlight the patterns – tool marks, nail-hold patterns, grain direction, compression marks, etc – because that’s all going to be really crucial data for later on,” continued Malliaros.


From this, scaled versions of each piece will be 3D printed and assembled as a practice run for the real reconstruction of the boat, which is expected to be attempted in two or three years’ time.

“Before work starts on the actual pieces of the boat, there will be a practice run just to see how all the pieces are going to fit together, and also what kind of support cradle system will be needed,” Malliaros added. “There will be a scaled-down jigsaw puzzle version of the boat, and once that is put together – cool! Now to do it for real.”

since the Barangaroo Boat, Malliaros has scanned three more shipwrecks, bringing the total number of boats discovered and 3D scanned by Silentworld Foundation to four.

“We look forward to building on our relationship to assist the Foundation with exploring how they can possibly utilize more of the Artec range,” said Myers. “We are hugely honored to have helped out in a small way to assist the Silentworld Foundation in recording and using the 3D data.”

scans are processed into a clean 3D model of the timber using Artec Studio. The 3D models can then be used by the archaeologists to record detailed information about each piece in Rhino by closely inspecting the physical timber and then annotating the 3D model. Image via Sydney Metro.
scans are processed into a clean 3D model of the timber using Artec Studio. The 3D models can then be used by the archaeologists to record detailed information about each piece in Rhino by closely inspecting the physical timber and then annotating the 3D model. Image via Sydney Metro.

3D scanning artifacts


For instance, thescan the Worldproject has opened up museum collections to a wider audience with free access tothousands of high-resolution scans,最近与Google Arts & Cultureto expand itsopen-source collection of 3D printable art

Elsewhere, archivists at the得克萨斯州的时间museum have leveragedNVision’s3D扫描技术以保存数字古代捕食者的化石骨架,西班牙National Archaeological Museumutilized anACCIONA3D扫描仪创建一个replica of the San Pedro de las Dueñas Arch

3D scanning technology has also been used to producereplicas of treasured statuesand历史雕塑, including adigital twin of Michelangelo’s David

Most recently, theFraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research(IGD) developed an upgraded version of its robotic arm-mounted archival 3D scanner,the CultArm3D, designed to accurately capture and recreate 3D models of museum exhibits.

Fraunhofer IGD's CultArm3D automated scanner.
Fraunhofer IGD’s CultArm3D robotic scanner. Image via Fraunhofer IGD.

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Featured image showsthe Barangaroo Boat is thought to have been pulled up on shore at the end of its life, where it remained until it was unearthed during the excavations by Sydney Metro for the new Barangaroo Station. Photo via Irini Malliaros/Silentworld Foundation.