
Cellink Brands Organovo的3D生物打印专利诉讼“无效”

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CELLINK’s BIO X 3D bioprinter (pictured) is reportedly the main subject of Organovo’s legal appeal. Image via CELLINK.



Through its lawsuit, the company is effectively alleging that Organovo’sUS9149952B2,,,,US9855369B2,,,,US8931880B2,,,,US9227339B2,,,,US9315043B2bioprinting patents are in breach of its own. The five legal documents in question are (like many patents) broad in scope, and cover “bioprinters comprising one or more printer heads,” including the “devices, systems and methods” of fabricating tissues.

有趣的是,后者的IP引用了自动化,这一趋势在近几个月来席卷了生物打印行业,并且可以实现这一目标的“潜在改进”,而Cellink也声称克莱姆森大学的US7051654B2有关“可行细胞的墨水打印”的专利,并且密苏里大学US9752116B2on “self assembling cell aggregates,” encroach on its IP.


Cellink的投诉也引用了其最近获得的Mattek CorporationandVisikol Incsubsidiaries, both of which have substantial biotechnology portfolios, thus the case’s scope may well extend beyond the patents owned directly by the firm itself.

科学家们尝试使用MatTek体外cellular technology.
CELLINK’s case against Organovo references its subsidiary MatTek Corporation, which it acquired last year. Photo via MatTek.

Organovo’s troubled past

尽管Organovo的生物打印占地面积明显小于Cellink,但在该行业中确实具有悠久的历史。揭开了第一个生物打印的肾脏组织back in 2015, the firm went public on the NASDAQ exchange under the ticker ‘ONVO,’ before making进一步的药物测试andregenerative tissueadvances with its technology.

However, in August 2019, Organovo was forced to explore “strategic alternatives” when it discovered that its approach to fabricating liver tissuerequired significant redevelopment此后,该公司一直在努力保留现金,但其网站在过去两年中仍然没有有关其技术进度的任何更新。

In an effort to revive the firm’s fortunes, Organovo’s leadership later announced a merger withTarveda Therapeutics但是,2019年12月。但是,该公司的前首席执行官基思·墨菲(Keith Murphy)发表了严厉的当时,批评董事会的记录,称他们“根本无法信任”,并鼓励股东不要为该计划投票。

Tissue engineer loads Organovo’s proprietary bioprinter to print fully human tissue. Photo via Organoco
Organovo encountered issues around its liver 3D bioprinting technology back in 2019. Photo via Organovo

Duly answering Murphy’s call to action, shareholders then chose to vote down the merger, and it has since been called-off entirely. In the past, Organovo has also fought to salvage its reputation in Delaware’s courtrooms, and the firm won a high-profile案子反对投资者乔治·迪米特罗夫(Georgi Dimitrov),他被判犯有“涂片运动”,并获得了3800万美元的违约判决。

现在,通过对Cellink的法律诉讼,Organovo试图挑战其本身的三项专利的感知侵权,据说与该专利有关Bio X3D Bioprinter除了另一个生物生产商,它仅获得了密苏里大学的许可。鉴于Cellink的诉讼中也提到了后者,因此Organovo的主张可能代表了间接反驳。

Either way, according to a complaintfiled2021年7月27日,在德克萨斯州韦科的联邦法院,Organovo正在为Cellink寻求现金赔偿,据称侵犯了Cellink,以及法院命令阻止进一步使用其IP。


尽管整个器官的生物打印仍然存在,但该技术越来越表现出最终用途的潜力,因此其未来的应用和可能的盈利能力已经开始吸引该行业最大的公司的关注。3D Systems例如,在其上取得了重大进展打印到灌注再生医学计划,以及acquired bioprinting firm Allevi2021年5月。

Desktop Metal还开始对生物打印技术表现出极大的兴趣,首先推出桌面健康2021年3月及其子公司后来购买了信标生物。In doing so, the company acquired the rights to Beacon Bio’s ‘Phonograft’ 3D bioprinting technology, which is designed to enable the regeneration of the human eardrum.

在其他地方,欧盟已经支持EPFLspin-out易于3Dattempts to 3D print a人类胰腺的生活模型。Working as part of the broader“启蒙”程序据报道,该公司已经开发了其技术,以至于它现在能够在仅30秒内制造基于干细胞的生物组织。

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特色图像显示了Cellink Bio X 3D Bioprointer,该机器据报道是Organovo法律吸引力的主要主题。通过Cellink图像。