
以色列打开第一个开源3 d打印技术实验室

Israel has joined the ranks of countries looking to utilise 3D printing as a core part of its competitive strategy for the future – with Reut Institute’s 3D XLN (Cross-Labs Network) workspace. Following in the footsteps of other pioneering countries, the Reut Institute in Israel is planning to keep and maintain an open-source ethos based on the original RepRap philosophy of self-replicating machines. According to Reut Institute’s director, Gidi Grinstein, It’s about more than 3D printing — it’s about creating a network of open-source spaces where anyone can go and create things, as well as learn the skills to thrive in the new era.”

”The next big revolution is going to be in 3D”, Gidi Grinstein, Director of Reut Institute

Located in downtown Tel Aviv, the aforementioned skills are already on the curriculum of high school students. However, what makes this piece of news even more exciting, than being part of the continuing tidal waves of directing younger generations to the world of 3D printing are the accomplishments achieved so far: ”We built one printer using instructions on the Internet, and we’ve used that printer to create the components for other printers. It takes about a week to print a new printer, and each one costs about $600 to $700”, explains one of the labs managers Matan Harel. This of course means that, besides increasing self-sufficiency, the project is intended to spread further throughout the country. And to validate the overall importance of 3D printing’s future for whole of Israel, Reut director Grinstein states that ”An important factor in Israel’s success has been access to and availability of technology that individuals could learn and excel in. And the next big revolution is going to be in 3D [printing]”.


从格林斯坦的角度来看,这场革命意味着更多的3D印刷实验室。路透学院支持的总体凝聚力战略方法是继续遵循其取得进展的强大动力。看看(区域性)特定的技术发展或其他因素是否会给关键参与者带来差异化的能量,无论是国家还是公司,都将推动信封进一步想象力,这也将非常有趣。。最重要的是 - 这些独特的发现和创新是否仍然是遵循公开意识形态并在全球范围内共享的东西 - 让我们所有人都能进一步享受和发展?我们至少要保持手指交叉并为此选择!

来源:Times Of Israel

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