
Formnext Preview: 3D printing trends and new 3D printers in Frankfurt

The 3D printing industry is back together in Frankfurt for a highly anticipated Formnext. Spread across halls eleven and twelve, the largest 3D printing event of the year is now open. The 3D Printing Industry team is in Frankfurt for the week, and I took a first look at some of the new 3D printers, trends, and new materials at this week’s show.

Formnext副副总裁Heike PFAB在一系列电话之间,因为她帮助组织了活动的最后阶段PFAB告诉我:“人们非常兴奋和高兴再次见面”。这几乎不用说,并且在展前地板上的气氛是有形的 - 添加剂制造社区亲自蓬勃发展。雷电竞充值很快,当我穿过三个活动大厅和周边地区时,我会重新认识熟悉的面孔,并引发对话。

Waiting in line to register for my vaccination identification, the event runs under the 2G rule requiring strict Covid protocol to be followed, I meet a masked Cody Burke, COO & Co-founder, at PrintParts.PrintParts recently won the Formnext Start-up Challenge。他告诉我:“获胜使我们升级了。”PrintParts与获奖者AZUL3D,FITED,ATLANT 3D NANOSYSTEMS和NOBULA GLASS 3D印刷公司一起在Hall 12的创业区加入。今天下午,获奖者和其他有前途的初创企业将参加下一场比赛,访客可以了解有关这些有前途的公司的更多信息。

formnext 2021很大,趋势是

很难忽略在Formnext 2021中浮出水面的主要3D打印趋势之一。在整个贸易展览会上,整个建筑物中都点缀着巨大的3D打印机。雷电竞app下载在Booth C101的12厅中,机器人将很难错过。Roboze Argo 1000具有1x1x1米的构建体积,可以使用最具挑战性的高性能材料,例如令人垂涎的Peek。较小的Argo 500补充了时尚的系统。

也很难错过,是massivit3d。一辆以漂亮的绿松石和白色配色方案的全尺寸跑车说明了其系统上功能性原型的可能性。Massivit 5000是另一个主导展位的巨大3D打印机。

如果速度更多是您的茶杯,那么不要错过可能是该节目的新手,而是由经验丰富的执行团队领导的公司。Axtra3D的创始人,CEO&CTO是Gianni Zitelli,他以前开发了Nexa3d使用的技术,后来又更多地介绍了Nexa3d。Zitelli与Praveen Tummula,首席业务兼商业官员兼联合创始人一起,通过Axtra3D如何将公司提交的六项专利中的三项商业化。


Z轴上的速度为每小时18厘米,产生各向同性部件。我们将在一周内仔细研究这家公司,如果您迫不及待地等待,请不要错过12号厅的Booth C41的Axtra3D。

那么nexa3d呢Avi Reichental现在是掌舵。Nexa3d已从formnext的启动状态转变为展示其树脂系统和材料投资组合的巨大展位。但是,这里值得注意的是,似乎不仅与formnext的趋势相抵触了“大型”的趋势,而且还与3D印刷行业的更广泛趋势相抵触。如果Youtuber Joel Tell(又名3D打印书呆子)的存在,Nexa3d尚未明显地针对业余爱好者/桌面市场。

Nexa3D has launched the XIP (pronounced zip). While the team remained tight-lipped about the XiP desktop resin 3D printer, I was able to ascertain the price point will be similar to a Formlabs system. This is notable as with the increasing availability of resin 3D printers at very low prices, the move seems unusual. The XiP has a build volume of 190 x 120 x 170 mm and runs a monochrome 9.3” LCD screen at 4K STD resolution. To manage this new business segment Michael Currie, an exec with experience at Oracle, HubSpot, Formlabs, and most recently Gecko Robotics, has been hired. Those in the 3D printing industry with longer memories may be reminded of Reichental’s earlier foray into the desktop market while CEO at 3D Systems.

回到12.1厅Booth B119的工业轨道3DGENCE。该公司有两台引人注目的新3D打印机 - 只要黑色即可提供任何颜色。雷电竞app下载MP260现在可商购,而MP350将于明年第二季度提供。这两个系统都是基于FFF的,并通过基于MIM的工艺加入运行金属材料的趋势。与该行业中采用BASF Ultrafuse的许多公司不同,3Dgence拥有自己的“秘密食谱”,该公司告诉我,这是消除了巴斯夫材料的某些限制。

For now, that’s the first glimpse at formnext. The 3D Printing Industry team will be in Frankfurt all week, so make sure you say hello if you see us.

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