Market Insights


这latest installment of 3D Printing Industry’s series on3D printing and renewable energyfocuses on how additive manufacturing is contributing to decarbonization efforts within the industry.

Metal 3D printing start-upSeurat技术,由Porscheand复印,是这样的公司将技术部署到这一目的的一家公司,刚刚宣布其第一个印刷仓库完全由绿色能源供电。

该雷电竞充值公司首席执行官兼联合创始人詹姆斯·戴默斯(James DeMuth)说:“增材制造不仅对能源产业有利,而且是基本的。”



Seurat Technologies的首席执行官兼联合创始人James DeMuth。通过Seurat Technologies的照片。
Seurat技术’ CEO and Co-founder James DeMuth. Photo via Seurat Technologies.


According to DeMuth, Seurat was founded with the goal of solving manufacturing problems in the energy industry, starting with the LIFE fusion power plant design originated atLawrence Livermore National Laboratory

“从根本上讲,任何在几何依赖的东西,例如核或太阳能,或使用旋转组件,例如带有涡轮机或压缩机(例如风,水力,潮汐或地热)的任何东西,或能源能源(例如汽车,飞机,飞机,飞机和火车,火车,飞机和火车)的东西添加剂制造能够获得高级设计的好处。” DeMuth说。雷电竞充值

区域打印is an LPBF 3D printing process that decouples speed and resolution to overcome common tradeoffs regarding speed, quality, and scale. The technology is the result of decades of laser and optics management stemming from LLNL, where DeMuth co-invented the technology in 2011. He later co-founded Seurat in 2015, and the firm now has over 130 granted and pending patents, as well as an exclusive license on the Area Printing technology.




左:区域印刷融化粉末,形成了一种钢芯销的注入模具工具之一,该工具将用于制造用于航空航天和防御的支架。中心是8个核心销(前面4个,后部为4个),构建板上也有拉伸条和测试立方体。右图显示成品零件,即单核引脚,用SS 316印刷。图片通过Seurat Technologies。
左:区域印刷融化粉末,形成了一种钢芯销的注入模具工具之一,该工具将用于制造用于航空航天和防御的支架。中心是8个核心销(前面4个,后部为4个),构建板上也有拉伸条和测试立方体。右图显示成品零件,即单核引脚,用SS 316印刷。图片通过Seurat Technologies。


With the goal of decarbonizing manufacturing, Seurat’s Area Printing technology allows the firm’s customers to migrate away from casting processes, which produce emissions equivalent to one barrel of oil per ton of metal. Conventional casting represents around 20 percent of the $1 trillion worldwide metal part manufacturing market, and uses natural gas and coke in the process which in turn produce significant emissions.

政府间气候变化面板(IPCC) recently sounded a‘code red for humanity’关于气候变化,促使Seurat和其他人加大了脱碳的努力。预计区域印刷将抵消相当于60亿加仑汽油的同龄人,这与美国加速国内清洁能源制造的目标相吻合。

DeMuth说:“到2030年,随着客户加大生产并取代金属铸造生产的应用,我们希望每年最多可抵消2GT的二氧化碳。”“我们正在努力在ISO 14064指南之后验证我们的预测,该指南是一个涉及温室气体排放报告的国际标准,我们很高兴能够成倍地增加我们的积极影响。”

该公司的业务模型是作为其系统的合同制造商运营,并通过其符合客户应用程序区域打印Production (APP) program。通过APP程序,Seurat验证了材料属性,处理可重复性,并确保它可以在高量制造设置中始终如一地生产应用程序。


“While scaling metal additive manufacturing to outcompete casting is very exciting for our industry, even more exciting is the prospect of winning back jobs, rebuilding trade skills, and enabling localized manufacturing – all in a sustainable way,” DeMuth says.

“If Seurat is successful – and it will take an ecosystem of inventors and policymakers to help us – the economic and environmental implications will change our future generations.”

首席科学家安迪·贝拉米安(Andy Bayramian)调整了波板,以完成Seurat的研发系统的光学升级。通过Seurat Technologies的照片。
Chief Scientist Andy Bayramian adjusts waveplate to complete optics upgrade on Seurat’s R&D system. Photo via Seurat Technologies.

Powered by green energy

Seurat is building its first print depot in Wilmington, Massachusetts, which DeMuth believes will be a “seismic step” forward. The factory, which will 3D print critical parts for airplanes, cars, and “just about anything else”, will be 100 percent driven by wind and solar power, delivered through the Reading Municipal Light Department’s newRenewable Choice program





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Featured image showsChief Scientist Andy Bayramian adjusts waveplate to complete optics upgrade on Seurat’s R&D system. Photo via Seurat Technologies.