
Stratasysgains $20M U.S. Navy contract in “largest government project to-date”

3D打印机制造商Stratasys已获得2000万美元美国海军contract, the largest of its kind that the company has ever received.

该交易将在未来五年内实现,将使Stratasys供应高达25F900 3D printers除了运行它们的材料,支持和培训外,美国海军还需要。根据Stratasys美国政府业务部主任Mark Menninger的说法,此举可能有助于缩短美国的军事供应链,同时为海军提供增强的飞机维修能力。

Menninger说:“ AM对美国海军等军事组织的好处包括延长飞机等战略和战术资产的寿命,同时确保维持维持活动可以迅速,几乎从任何地方进行。”“这项合同是迄今为止最大的Stratasys政府项目,继续扩大来自美国政府Stratasys工业3D印刷的存在。”

哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)(CVN 75)。通过美国海军/迈克尔·陈的照片。
哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)(CVN 75)。通过美国海军/迈克尔·陈的照片。





自2021年1月发布其战略以来,国防部一直在不断提高其3D印刷的提高,仅一个月后,它签约了Exone到develop a‘portable 3D printing factory.’Designed to be housed inside a 40-foot shipping container, the system is being built to provide military personnel with everything they need to 3D print spares on land, in the air or at sea.

On the software front, the DoD has also backed与国防有关的升级森沃尔’s机器学习平台。尽管该交易的程度和价值以及软件的研发的细节尚未披露,但在涉及资格的3D打印材料和流程方面,它涉及为技术开发“额外功能”。

现在,凭借其2000万美元的Stratasys订单,国防部也选择扩大其打印机投资组合,尤其是在其美国和日本基地,那里的前八个系统将在2021年底之前发货。will be used for producing end-use parts, tooling and training aids, as well as contributing to the Navy’s aircraft maintenance and distributed manufacturing programs.

使用Stratasys的F900 3D打印机的工程师。
Stratasys将于2021年底将八架F900 3D打印机运送到美国海雷电竞app下载军基地。通过Stratasys摄影。


Launched back in April 2018, Stratasys’ F900 Production 3D printer builds on its Fortus 900mc platform, with a larger build volume and heightened accuracy, that enables it to address a wider range of applications. In particular, the machine’s compatibility with flame-retardant materials like ULTEM 9085, has increasingly seen it deployed to produce parts that meet stringent aerospace regulatory criteria.

Last year, for instance,BAE系统宣布安装其第四层Stratasys F900系统,作为它的一部分‘Factory of the Future’ initiative.现在在公司的英国Samlesbury操作site, the machine is being used to fabricate prototypes, tooling and end-use parts for its fighter jets, in a way that has reportedly yielded “significant cost and lead time reductions.”

Stratasys也收到了其中之一有史以来最大的航空航天订单in August 2020 from Latvian 3D printing service provider我的工艺。客户的四f900订单有效地使其打印容量翻了一番,此后允许其制造经过航空空间认证的内部飞机零件,包括其以航空为中心的客户群,包括座椅,镶板和管道。



除了飞机维护外,美国海军还大量投资了3D印刷的分布式制造潜力,以加速其供应部署部队的方式。今年早些时候海军研究生院揭示它正在测试Xerox’s ElemX 3D printer,特别是作为实现更大供应链灵活性的一种手段。

同样,3D打印软件开发人员3YOURMIND最近已被Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC) to develop a new seamless ‘digital production’ workflow. Through this cyber network infrastructure, the NIWC is aiming to establish a digital thread that allows it to remain vigilant and rapidly respond to threats at all times.

Elsewhere, engineers at the U.S.海军研究实验室3D打印的新型天线组件that could help improve the U.S. Navy’s wider radar monitoring capabilities. By adopting additive manufacturing, the team say they’ve been able to create their lightweight arrays more quickly and cheaply than conventional production methods allow.

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特色图像显示了世界地图下的两艘美国海军军舰。图片通过3 YourMind。