
An Interview with Fried Vancraen, Materialise founder and CEO

前面2017年实体世界峰会that begins on the 20th April, Fried Vancraen gives 3D Printing Industry a preview of what to expect.

Since 2010, the Materialise event has brought together 3D printing industry leaders and provided a forum to discuss not only the current business opportunities, but also how to advance the additive manufacturing industry as a whole.

I asked Materialise’s founder and CEO Fried Vancraen about what Summit attendees can expect, where are the current untapped market opportunities for 3D printing and his vision for the future of additive manufacturing.

The biggest issue in 3D printing

The company that Vancraen founded in 1990, is now valued almost half a billion dollars, and the origins of Materialise are likely to chime with many who use 3D printing technology today: there was problem that needed to be fixed, and no solution existed. So Materialise created the solution.

We experienced the pain of not having the digital data from the very first day that we had the machine,” says Vancraen of his company’s experience after they purchased an early 3D Systems SLA 3D printer for250k in 1990. However the biggest issue at that time was the software.

范克拉恩说:“very early on we decided software would be our focus, but to support all the people who develop machines, to support all those people who use machines, even if that was creating competition for us.

Johan Pauwels, then a work experience student and now Executive Vice President at Materialise decoded the files and Materialise set about developing software to unlock the potential of 3D printing. Vancraen says from those early days he,recognized 3D printing not just as a fancy new prototyping technology but truly as an industrial revolution。”

Fried Vancraen and the 3D Systems SLA 3D Printer in 1990. Photo ©Materialise.
Fried Vancraen and the 3D Systems SLA 3D Printer in 1990. Photo ©Materialise.

3D printing industry co-creation and collaboration is key

Taking place every two years since 2010, the Materialise World Summit has always been more than the standard trade show. From that first event Materialise has brought together 3D printing industry leaders to “thematically address the big issues of the industry。”

Materialise’s vision under the leadership of Vancraen has undoubtedly accelerated the adoption – by promoting awareness of the advantages of 3D printing, highlighting use cases and reaching beyond the immediate world of engineering.





一个示例是Mictortize的制造服务在Microsoft的Builder3D应用程序中的集成。Builder3D是Windows 10创建者更新的一部分,现在已在新机器上预装,用户可以从i.materialise在无缝的体验中。

弗里德·范克恩(Fried Vancraen)在2015年实现世界会议上发言。照片©Wim-Gombeer。
弗里德·范克恩(Fried Vancraen)在2015年实现世界会议上发言。照片©Wim-Gombeer。


现在,Mitalize拥有3个业务细分,软件,制造和医疗。该软件部门为当今可用的3D打印技术提供了工具,并且“links to as many types of applications as possible in different CAD systems。”

Materialise software, “supports both the process planning and the logistical planning of 3D printing activities。”

In the manufacturing segment, Materialise has assembled one of the broadest ranges of Additive Manufacturing technologies available anywhere. This segment, “从原型服务开始,但是今天,许多增长都是由制造业驱动的范克拉恩说。考虑到公司正在使用的144个工业3D打印机,谈论物质化未提供的3D打印技术也许更容易。雷电竞app下载

We cover the different 3D printed plastics, and in metals we are quickly expanding the amount of alloys that we are covering,” says the CEO.


使用Motalize Magics 3D打印套件软件创建的3D打印。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
使用Motalize Magics 3D打印套件软件创建的3D打印。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。



范克拉恩tells me about one particular growing area of use and opportunity that is greater than the frequently reported verticals of aerospace, medical and automotive.

商业machines is actually the largest segment,” he says. Business machines are the industrial machinery, assembly lines, robots and other capital intensive apparatus of the global manufacturing industry.

范克拉恩解释了:“最大的区别是汽车很大,但几乎完全是原型的。” However the machines used by manufacturing enterprises “are produced in a smaller series than for instance consumer electronics products,” and there is a substantial use of 3D printing to enhance the use of these industrial tools.



Several enterprises are now seeking to address the mass customization opportunities for footwear that 3D printing enables. Vancrean says there “是正在发生的众多范式变化。”

Materialise 3-matic demo box. Photo by Michael Petch.
Materialise 3-matic demo box. Photo by Michael Petch.


Arguably, software is still the most fundamental part of the 3D printing trifecta that is completed by machines and materials. Concerted effort, and research dollars, are been ploughed into additive manufacturing in a bid to improve speed, reliability and the range of possibilities.

然而, ”制造业世界的一个巨大范式转变,让我们的生态系统,公司如何共同努力,尚未发生足够的变化,无法真正开发出其全部潜力雷电竞充值”,物质首席执行官说。



A demonstration of this commitment to industry wide collaboration is seen in the company’s participation in the 3MF consortium.

范克拉恩说,虽然行业标准STL“它的简单性非常强大” at the same time that simplicity brings a lot of limitations. For example, “there is no information about texture or volume。”

Materialise and the 3MF consortium are addressing these limitations.


Recognising that the move to 3MF can not be accomplished overnight he says, “我认为3MF应该每5年左右进行一次重大升级,但要保持尽可能稳定。”

Disrupting eyewear with Yuniku. Photo ©HOYA Vision Care.
Disrupting eyewear with Yuniku. Photo ©HOYA Vision Care.



The disruptive impact of 3D printing on the hearing aid and dental industries is well documented and now, “眼镜已经发现了3D打印,并且有一个巨大的机会,因为眼镜本身比助听器和牙齿更大。

Materialise has worked with Hoya Vision Care for the past several years, embarking on studies to understand how to optimise eyewear for the end user and also add value to manufacturer.

范克拉恩说:“the fact that everybody today is choosing a frame and then putting lenses into it, while in reality you should place the lenses in an optimal way before your eyes and then adapt the frame for it。”

Through 3D printing the, “眼镜的定制正在改变行业的动态,这也可以更好。”

Approximately 30% of all the frames manufactured are scrapped, and not scrapped mid-production but really as finished frames.

Yuniku眼镜。照片©Hoya Vision Care。
Yuniku眼镜。照片©Hoya Vision Care。

Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory at the Materialise World Summit

3D打印旨在使制造业民主化,但与此同时,我看到该技术首先达到的行业中的一个大集中化,” for example the hearing aid industry, where the number of players has dramatically been reduced.

范克拉恩说:“ O只有几个能负担得起the full digital chain from customer to product and the hearing aid companies are all buying up the distribution chains and you still have a shop everywhere, but it is a big centralisation。”

The Materialise CEO observes a, “奇怪的平衡开始起源于强大的链,强大的骨干和单个制造商。

The 2017 Materialise World Summit will be an opportunity to explore and discuss these and other trends in the additive manufacturing industry.

范克拉恩说:“I think the all together approach that we are trying to adapt where we try to imagine what are the big drivers behind our industry, what have they been and what will they be。”

3D Printing Industry will be reporting from the2017年实体世界峰会而且,我们期待着从增材制造业领导者那里听到有关我们行业即将到来的主题的第一手。雷电竞充值

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