
Massivit 3D推出了大型复合模具3D打印机,该打印机由“铸入运动”技术提供动力

以色列3D打印机制造商Massivit 3D已经推出了一台新机器,该机器是专门设计的,以减少生产大型复合模具所需的时间。

由公司的铸件(CIM)技术提供动力,Bombosivit 10000使用户能够在快速的四步凝胶分配和铸造过程中创建复杂的工具,从而简化了成型工作流程。为此,系统可以为采用者(尤其是在汽车,航空航天,能源和海洋领域运作的人)解锁较高的吞吐量和减少工具迭代周期。

“We are thrilled to unveil our advanced Cast-In-Motion technology to the composite manufacturing arena,” Massivit 3D CEO Erez Zimerman said at theCAMX 2021expo. “This market is hungry for innovation that will shift the paradigm for molding so that manufacturers can finally expedite their lead times from several weeks down to just a few days.”



Available in normal and ‘Pro’ iterations, Massivit’s flagship 3D printer, the1800 Series,是一台145厘米x 111厘米x 180厘米机器,能够以比传统技术快30倍的速度创建超大型型号和模具。多年来,这种可扩展性使系统能够解决不同的应用程序,包括创建热成型模具和巨大的广告显示器。

该公司在其1800 3D打印机的成功基础上,选择于2021年4月推出一台新机器:Massivit 5000。该单元旨在满足提供商的需求,该提供商为汽车,海洋和铁路客户生产大型光聚合物零件,该单元具有独特的双材料系统,可在需要的情况下同时使用不同的材料和分辨率的不同材料和水平分辨率同时打印两个零件。

To support its growing portfolio of printers, the firm has also发布两种新材料,包括燃烧的dimengel 20-fr以及半透明的设计验证和面向建筑的UL94-V0,并遵循其IPO今年早些时候which saw it raise $50 million, it has now continued to expand on its offering with the Massivit 10000.

The Massivit 5000. Photo via Massivit.
Massivit released its updated Massivit 5000 3D printer earlier this year. Photo via Massivit.

Putting the ‘massiv’ into Massivit

巨大的1.2 x 15 x 1.65米10000 3D打印机是在CAMX 2021 Expo发射的,以解决Massivit认为创建大型复合零件的痛点:成本,交货时间和复杂性。在很大程度上,由于其内置的CIM技术,该机器能够通过消除初始“插头”的需求,将其内置的CIM技术与它们的内置CIM技术作斗争。


According to Massivit, this approach yields “improved accuracy, consistency and higher reliability” parts, while being less wasteful than the tools traditionally used to create large composite builds. The firm also says the Massivit 10000 is 80% quicker and requires 90% less labour to operate than normal part design machinery, making it a “disruptive mold-making solution” that “shifts the tooling paradigm.”





In one such initiative, the热伍德公司与航空公司合作Bell到3D打印20英尺直升机刀片模具。Believed to be the largest autoclave capable-tool of its kind ever made, the temperature and elevation pressure-resistant equipment is specifically designed to be used in the shaping and development of robust chopper parts.

Elsewhere, on a more experimental level, researchers atETH Zurich试图通过创建一个来解决与Massivit的建筑应用prototype metal facade使用3D打印的砂模。“深层外墙”设计由26个单独的碎片组成,高3.5米,最终由大型模制铝制零件制成。

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特色图像显示了使用新的Massivit 10000 3D打印机打印的汽车桶座模具3D。图像通过massivit 3D。