3D Printing

3D Printed Food – A Growing Market




The Global market for 3D printed food is anticipated to be driven by a need for mass customisation, as 3D printing saves both time and waste. The actual nutrients themselves can even be customised, so consumers can benefit from tailor made food for their dietary requirements.

Currently, it is said that all microwave pancakes in the Netherlands are 3D printed, and its looking possible that there could be a rise in the popularity in 3D food printing machines, much like microwave ovens rose to power years ago.

However, this method of food creation also has its restraints. Many food ingredients used for 3D printing need to be turned into paste or melted, which is limiting as there many foods which cannot be turned into a paste, or melted. The process can also be rather slow, and also needs to be cooled before the food can be eaten. 3D printing food has the potential trump many current food customisation techniques, though the manufacturing cost is quite high.






Market Location Outlook

从地理上讲,全球3D食品印刷市场可以由北美,拉丁美洲,西欧和东欧,亚太地区,日本,中东和非洲等主要地区分开。据说欧洲是3D食品印刷的当前市场领导者,尽管许多国家在欧洲以外的界限越来越大。西班牙的Comapny Natural Mahines一直试图将3D食品印刷技术引入家庭环境,例如家用厨房。美国也真正从事3D食品印刷,因为这项技术现在与美国烹饪学院以及3D系统有关。


Key Players

There’s a fair amount of companies who are getting involved with this new way of producing food. Some of the key players include:

  • TNO(生命创新)
  • Philips
  • Electrolux
  • Barilla
  • Nestle
  • NASA
  • Hershey’s
  • Modern Meadow
  • 巧克力边缘
  • 3D系统
  • Natural Machines
  • Zmorph
  • [email protected]

Maybe in the future you could buy your own customized 3D printed chocolate bar just as easily as you can buy your favourite snack at the corner shop, or even create your own from your own machine at home! That’s food for thought.