
3D Printed Shoes from Iris van Herpen & Rem D Koolhaas Dazzle & Delight in Paris

任何遵循高端时尚并遵循3D打印新事态发展的人都可能熟悉Iris Van Herpen这个名字,Iris Van Herpen这个名字 - 开创性的设计师继续探索这两个学科的结合。


在2012年巴黎时装秀上,艾里斯·范·赫本(Iris Van Herpen)穿着3D印刷的高级时装礼服赞叹不已。对于2013年,主题将眼睛降低到地面,因为今年这一切都与鞋子有关。

耶!道歉 - 必须说。

Yesterday, Ms van Herpen, in collaboration with fellow Dutch designer Rem D Koolhaas and 3D printing company Stratasys, unveiled 12 pairs of 3D printed shoes on the famous catwalks of Paris Fashion Week during her couture show, entitled ‘Wilderness Embodied.’ Stratasys 3D printed the shoes, all of which display intricate geometries designed to mimic elements of nature and push the boundaries of fashion design.

“对我来说,时尚一直是设定自己的界限并发表声明。”范·赫本(Van Herpen)评论说。“这次,REM和我想创造一些与自然世界的美丽和荒野相呼应的东西,因此我们决定利用3D打印的技术能力通过一双鞋子使这一概念栩栩如生。”

Van Herpen和D Koolhaas之间的合作使一个鞋子的概念启发,其启发的树根具有复杂的晶格,绕着脚缠绕并反映了树根的自然生长。鞋子是使用Stratasys打印的3D刚性不透明基于多喷气的多物质上的黑白材料objet connexObjet Eden雷电竞app下载3D打印机。

“我们从以前与Neri Oxman和Stratasys教授在3D印刷连衣裙上合作的质量,即时性和创造力方面知道了这项技术的能力。然而,这仍然使我们惊讶3D打印如何生产出如此漂亮的鞋子,在走进的压力下表现出色,范·赫本(Van Herpen)解释说。“The Stratasys rigid black material was fantastic in giving the shoes a glossy look that would catch the eyes of the audience at the show.”

这是一家受建筑启发的鞋类公司United Nude的创意总监兼创始人D Koolhaas首次生产并展示了时装秀上的整个3D印刷鞋。根据Koolhaas的说法,Van Herpen的鼓舞人心的想法,Stratasys 3D印刷创新和United Nude's Shoe Engineering专业知识的结合将有望激发未来的鞋类设计师,以释放自己的创造力,并探索以前无法思考的新方法。

“I’m thrilled with the results, they’re stunning and original. Iris is very dramatic with her concepts and the shapes she wanted were only possible with 3D printing – they are almost like a sculpture on your feet, mimicking nature,” said D Koolhaas. “Working with Stratasys also enabled us to quickly test the shoes during the design process and adjust our concepts for optimal function and form. So it was easy to make changes and get exactly what we wanted. Once we locked down the perfect design, we printed 12 pairs of fashion shoes in less than a week.”

Statrasys还喜欢与时装设计师合作:“We are delighted to again be working with such prominent fashion designers on such a prestigious collection. This is the second time for us at the Paris Fashion Show with Iris van Herpen and each time we are amazed at her ability to re-invent fashion with the help of Stratasys 3D printing,”said Arita Mattsoff, Vice President Marketing for Stratasys.“We believe that 3D printing has become a true creative-enabler for the fashion world. Designers are no longer limited with conventional manufacturing. They can now produce virtually anything they can imagine. For that reason, we feel that 3D printing will become more and more an integral part of fashion design curriculums.”

If like me, Paris was out of the question this week, get a feel for the glamour in the video below: