

接受具有里程碑意义的27小时手术的连接双胞胎迈向了康复。贾登(Jadon)和麦当劳(Anias McDonald)出生于头部并共享血管,直到在经营中分离出来,并由3D系统的几种创新应用支持。雷电竞充值

麦当劳双胞胎继续恢复良好,上周离开医院继续在威彻斯特的布莱斯代尔儿童医院,该医院设有专门的康复设施。古德里奇博士说:“我们知道恢复需要时间,但是我们都对男孩们的反弹程度感到惊讶,并确信他们将继续在Blythedale实现新的里程碑。”自手术以来已经过去了两个月,再加上医疗团队的技能,3D打印使比以往任何时候都更快,Historically, this will be the fastest古德里奇博士在早期说面试.

科罗拉多州的3D系统医疗机构。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
科罗拉多州的3D系统医疗机构。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


The remarkable surgery was made possible by a dedicated team that included members of 3D Systems’ healthcare division. Katie Weimer, 3D Systems VP Medical Devices, and colleague Mike Rensberger,3D系统医疗保健经理虚拟手术计划, were present in the operating room for the surgery along with almost 40 other healthcare professionals.

During my recent visit to the 3D Systems’ Denver facility Katie Weimer explained to me how projects like this make healthcare work at 3D Systems more than just a job. A sentiment echoed by their CEO V.J. who was also at the site.

从早期开始,3D系统参与了麦当劳案件。使用医疗扫描和双胞胎成像3D打印公司能够创建3D模型,以促进复杂程序的规划。手术是由詹姆斯·古德里奇(James Goodrich)博士进行的蒙特菲奥尔医学中心儿科神经外科部长。关于古德里奇博士说的行动,This is about as complicated as it gets。”


Creating a digital patient

Planning for such a complex operation was facilitated using multiple 3D printed models of the twins.The models were produced using a range of 3D techniques at the 3D Systems healthcare facility. This included taking a CT scan and converting the data into a 3D model. During my visit Mike Rensburger demonstrated how a “digital patient” is created from this data. 3D Systems’ specialists can then guide medical practitioners through the model using online meeting software such as Webex.


迈克·伦斯伯格(Mike Rensberger)在他的桌子上向我展示了双胞胎共享头骨的数字图像是如何与同龄孩子的常规形状头骨一起覆盖的。这使医疗团队可以评估使用现有骨头在分离后重建头骨的最佳方法。

The McDonald twins before groundbreaking surgery. Photo via Facebook.
The McDonald twins before groundbreaking surgery. Photo via Facebook.

3D critical during operation


The McDonald twins take their first look at each other. Photo via Christine Pogliano Gresso/Facebook.
The McDonald twins take their first look at each other. Photo via Christine Pogliano Gresso/Facebook.

3D Systems see the healthcare facility as a model for other divisions, CEO V.J. points out mastering the complex regulatory landscape and demanding end use applications for 3D printing in the medical world provides a useful guide on how other sectors, such as aerospace, might be handled. 3D Printing Industry has an exclusive interview with the 3D Systems CEO coming, so be sure tosubscribe to our newsletter.

We have morenews about how an independent clinician is bringing 3D printing into the operating room in another exclusive interview here.

特色图像显示了手术室中3D系统的凯蒂·韦默(Katie Weimer)和迈克·伦斯伯格(Mike Rensberger),其中包含用于协助手术的其他3D印刷品。通过CNN的照片