3D Scanners

Artec 3D的Andrei Vakulenko的3D扫描未来


安德烈Vakulenko首席业务发展icer atArtec 3d. Artec 3D provides professional solutions for 3D digitizing real-world objects with complex geometry and rich texture in high resolution.



Artec在Develop 3D Live展示了LEO 3D扫描仪。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
Artec 3ddemonstrates the LEO 3D scanner at Develop 3D Live. Photo by Michael Petch.

Artificial Intelligence

AI开始并将继续塑造如何设计专业的3D扫描仪 - NVIDIA JETSON MINI SUPERCUPUTER的最新发布是实现这一转变的重大进步。尽管该行业还不在这里,但3D扫描仪将很快能够学会了解它们正在扫描的内容。这将大大增加客户群,因为3D扫描将不仅用于创建物理对象的复制品,而且还将在扫描本身过程中执行质量控制任务。有趣的应用程序将不容易给出“是”或“否”答案,而是需要某种形式的判断。

For instance, if a 3D scanner can understand that it is scanning the exterior of an airplane, it will not only be able to register dents on the plane’s surface, but be able to take it a step further and flag which ones require immediate attention and which ones are insignificant enough to leave for the time being. This creates a more integrated process and turns a 3D scanner into more of a total solution for certain industries and processes.

Another scenario in the same vein would be the quality control of car seats and making sure the seams are straight enough to be sold to the public. At the moment, these types of decisions are made by a person, who just judges by eye which seams are straight enough and which are unacceptable. There is an intuitive margin of error that that person uses to determine if the quality is acceptable. In the future, an AI-based 3D scanner will be able to make these “subjective” decisions themselves.




尽管以上的AI应用反映并模仿了人类智能 - 视觉感知和决策,但也有机会使用3D扫描技术融合深度学习。3D身体扫描是一个很好的例子。

Artec 3D目前正在与卢森堡大学合作进行深度学习项目。一个3D全身扫描仪的艺术品塑料摊位在大学的公共区域设置为3D扫描志愿者。该大学跨学科安全,可靠性和信任(SNT)的科学家正在分析收集的身体扫描数据,以更好地了解人类的姿势以及如何将参数模型适合3D扫描。通过塑造摊位获得的身体扫描是高精度的,但是,除非一个人穿着紧身衣服扫描,否则不会显示一个人的身体的真实测量。目的是了解如何自动拟合参数模型与3D扫描,以便可以扫描完整衣服的人并可以生成准确的身体测量值。



While there are some very intriguing applications on the horizon, there are still some hurdles that 3D scanning will have to overcome. When cheap 3D sensors first appeared – likePrimeSense和Intel Realsense - 令人兴奋,开发人员急于创建可以与这些技术合作的创新应用程序。但是,扫描的质量极为差。这种兴奋和产生的无法实现的期望对于影响了消费者对技术的看法的行业来说是个失误。但是,随着时间的流逝,专业的3D扫描仪变得更便宜和便宜。随着价格的下降,这应该再次激发兴趣开发应用程序以使用3D扫描数据和3D模型,从而提高技术的受欢迎程度。

Another traditional hurdle within the 3D scanning field has been lighting and the challenge of scanning outdoors and in uncontrolled environments. There have been some recent advancements to overcome this obstacle, but the majority of the industry’s technology still struggles with this issue. The new Artec Leo can scan in sunlight with high accuracy, so now 3D scanning can be conducted in areas that were previously impossible to scan in or very difficult – requiring a tent to be pitched or other methods to create shade and control lighting. These advancements will be especially useful for forensics, archeological digs, or any quality control that needs to be performed outside.


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This is an article from the 3D Printing Industry thought leadership series looking at the future of 3D printing.


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