
Columbia researchers develop a new method for multi-material SLS 3D printing

来自Columbia University’s School of Engineeringhave demonstrated a novel Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printing process which allows multiple powders to be sintered in the same print run.

通过将激光倒入SLS 3D打印机中,以使其向上指向,并用玻璃板代替其粉末床箱,研究人员能够同时用大量材料打印。该团队的新技术使他们能够制造增强的工作原型,其中包含同一层中的两个不同聚合物。随着进一步的开发,可以利用该过程来制造一系列多物质零件,从嵌入式电路板到机器人组件。

“我们的最初结果令人兴奋,”与霍德·利普森(Hod Lipson)一起撰写的约翰·怀特黑德(John Whitehead)说。Whitehead解释了结果:“暗示了可以在按钮的按下可以制造任何零件的未来,其中从简单工具到更复杂的系统(例如机器人)的对象可以从完全形成的打印机中删除,而无需组装。透明

“The limitations of printing in only one material has been haunting the industry and blocking its expansion, preventing it from reaching its full potential.”


传统上,激光烧结通过使用向下定向激光融合粉末床中的显微镜材料颗粒来起作用。一系列材料与SLS 3D打印过程兼容,包括用于生产持久最终用途零件的热塑性和金属。


Furthermore, unsintered powder supports the part during printing and removes the need for dedicated support structures, it also makes monitoring the process challenging, as the print is hidden with a powder cake. As a consequence, if a build is failing and without in-process monitoring, the flaws may only be discovered at the end of the process.

“In a standard printer, because each of the successive layers placed down are homogeneous, the unfused material obscures your view of the object being printed, until you remove the finished part at the end of the cycle,” explained Whitehead. “This means that a print failure won’t necessarily be found until the print is completed, wasting time and money.”


研究二人组的ILS 3D打印技术(如图)允许在组件的构造中使用多个粉末。通过哥伦比亚大学的照片。
研究二人组的ILS 3D打印技术(如图)允许在组件的构造中使用多个粉末。通过哥伦比亚大学的照片。


As a result, the researchers devised a novel 3D printing technique that they’ve dubbed Inverted Laser Sintering (ILS). The new method sinters a material’s particles together by directing the printer’s laser vertically upwards into a thin layer of powder through a borosilicate glass pane.




Future applications of the new SLS method

为了测试他们的新生产方法,研究团队使用enterit白色TPU和Sintratec PA12热塑性材料的混合物创建了50层厚的2.18mm样品。该部分的平均层厚度约为71μm,比使用常规SLS 3D打印的部分表现出更均匀的厚度。更重要的是,其各个层的高度为43.6μm,将结构很好地放置在常见激光烧结印刷品的标准范围内。

As a result, the researchers concluded that the feasibility of their process and its capability to make stronger, denser materials had been proven. In the future, the Columbia team aims to design an improved printer setup for ILS, with automatic powder deposition and optimized laser parameters, in addition to experimenting with a wider range of materials. With additional research, Hod Lipson, the co-researcher on the project, believes that the method could eventually be applied to produce a variety of multi-material components.




One current option comes from 3D printer manufacturerAerosint和他们的multi-powder SLS printing alternative该公司的方法被称为“选择性粉末沉积”。该公司的方法由粉末分配器和图案鼓组成,该鼓选择性地以逐条方式沉积细粉。该技术可用于制造多金属3D打印零件。

German 3D printer OEMEOS, has built on decades of data to understand build chamber metrology and develop its patentedEostatein-process monitoringsuite. The technology uses an integrated camera to take a picture of the build area during printing and identifies any irregularities after each layer is formed. Using the captured images, uneven or incomplete layers can be quickly identified, enabling users to stop the process and rectify any issues.

Elsewhere, Swedish startupWematter,启动了其新的SLS 3D打印机重力2020去年11月。该系统已准备就绪,可以对其内置传感器和电子设备进行监视和过程控制。利用其集成相机(提供实时视频提要),用户可以跟踪实时打印的层数。

The researchers’ findings are detailed in their paper titled “倒多物质激光烧结,”发表在《增材制造杂志》上。雷电竞充值该纸是由约翰·怀特海(John Whitehead)和霍德·利普森(Hod Lipson)合着的。

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Featured image shows the research duo’s ILS 3D printing technique which allows more than one powder to be used in the construction of a part. Photo via Columbia University.