
有限公司vestro launches filament line


The company hopes it can drive the industry and bring mass manufacturing to the 3D printing world with a range of high-quality products that can supply this generation of printers and the next.


3D printing could take a step forward with new materials





Lighting manufacturers, designers and other industries are queuing up to try this new material that can withstand high temperatures and should provide a sturdy and durable product. The surface finish is what will mark this material apart, though. If it can provide a match for mass manufactured goods, then it could help boutique designers create high-end products and eventually make it to a large-scale production line.

A way forward for SLS?

有限公司vestro also offers TPU powders that offer a number of other advantages over other materials when it comes to Selective Laser Sintering. It is generally considered to be stronger and more elastic than alternatives, so these powders are sure to find a home in the industrial sector that is working hard on SLS.

It has potential to become a genuine mass manufacturing technique, but poor surface finish and porosity of the prints have presented problems. Higher quality base materials could certainly be one answer.

机器会有改善,没有办法that the materials are going to fix every issue on their own. But with developments on both sides of the fence then we could see progress sooner rather than later.


The company is also working on materials for use in stereolithography, digital light process and inkjet printing. It is not simply working on consistent and high quality materials. It intends to offer resins tailored to specific tasks.


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