


一家公司开创了该领域内3D打印的公司GE可再生能源。“Additive manufacturing has the potential to bring a step-change in cost and performance competitiveness in the wind industry,” says GE Renewable Advanced Manufacturing Technology Leader Matteo Bellucci.

Bellucci shares the latest updates from GE’s ongoing efforts to improve wind turbine efficiency and performance with 3D printing and discusses the benefits of the technology to the wind energy sector.

The US saw风能在2020年以创纪录的速度增长,随着陆上风力发电的安装,几年来首次超过了太阳能。全国的离岸风管线在2020年增长了24%与上一年相比。另一个值得注意的新兴趋势涉及对使用近海风产生的兴趣增加清洁氢

For the European Union (EU) to meet its 40 percent renewable energy target by 2026, it will need to install 32 GW of new wind farms per year between now and then. With wind installations in Europe2021年仅17.4 GW由于全球供应链问题和瓶颈,是否有3D打印的黄金机会可以增加其在空间中的采用?

GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine. Photo via GE.


在2021年2月,GE被授予了670万美元的项目美国能源部(DoE) to explore the design and manufacture of3D打印的风力涡轮刀片。与之一起工作橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL) and the国家可再生能源实验室(NREL), GE seeks to increase the competitiveness of both onshore and offshore wind energy by leveraging 3D printing to reduce manufacturing costs and improve supply chain flexibility.



3D printed thermoplastic blade tips could also be melted down and recycled when they reach the end of life, an essential aspect of the project for GE Renewable Energy. The team is also exploring what other parts of the turbine blade could benefit from 3D printing technologies and thermoplastic materials to increase the component’s time-to-market, quality, and sustainability.

Bellucci says that not only will 3D printing bring cost and performance competitiveness benefits to the wind sector, but the technology will also “help GE Renewable support our customers in driving the energy transition farther and faster.”

在九月,Fraunhofer IGCVand binder jet system manufacturervoxeljetannounced they would be building the“world’s largest” wind turbine 3D printer迄今为止。该系统被称为“预先铸造单元”(ACC),专门为打印为GE海上铸造零件所需的模具Haliade-X涡轮机,每个涡轮都可以重达60吨。

贝鲁奇说:“该计划仅在几个月前就开始了,我们仍处于其概念发展的早期阶段。”“当我们讨论该项目去年年底授予该项目时,该项目的目的是加速和优化GE Haliade-X Offshore涡轮机的关键铸造组件的生产。具体而言,3D打印提供了在离岸风项目附近生产大型涡轮组件的灵活性,从而降低了运输成本并带来了环境福利。”

Bellucci says the project team is currently compiling the specification details for the printer, and then voxeljet will begin the design phase of the project, including the new printer’s mechanics.

A 3D printed concrete wind turbine tower. Photo via GE.

Benefits of AM for wind energy

与雄心勃勃targets to cut greenhouse emissions, wind energy has become the subject of increasing attention to combat the global climate crisis. To this end, a significant amount of research is being poured into making wind turbines themselves more eco-friendly.

例如,NREL开发了一种用3D打印制造风力涡轮刀片这提高了他们的性能和寿命终止可回收性,而University of Maine正在生态友好涡轮刀片模具3D打印过程backed by $2.8 million in federal funding. Elsewhere, engineers fromMcGill UniversityandRyerson University正在努力将风力涡轮机叶片废物转换为小说3D可打印PLA纤维增强零件的材料。

Regarding GE, “3D printing technology is already mature in helping us with tooling for small and large components, and rapid prototyping with direct and immediate impact on the efficiency of our factory operations,” Bellucci says. “To use 3D printing directly into our products, it will still require some time, but the potential is very disruptive, and we are actively exploring different use cases.”



“In that case, we can 3D print 30-meter tower components on-site to add to the existing, standard 90-meter base to get optimal performance.”


A portion of the NREL researchers’ 13-meter thermoplastic blade prototype. Photo via Ryan Beach, the NREL.


Bellucci sees 3D printing helping GE Renewable Energy and the broader energy sector accelerate the transition to cleaner energy generation in many ways.

“It is generally a less energy-intensive manufacturing process and generates less waste,” he says. “For example, 3D printing will allow the exploration of new design practices, using tools like topology optimization, which is a design approach that enables our engineers to experiment with multiple designs to find the most efficient and cost-effective solution to a given challenge. As a result, our teams can use parts that take less energy to produce and create less waste.”


“3D printing can enable us to explore ways to improve a given component’s design by consolidating several different components into one part,” he explains. “A mechanical assembly that would normally have many parts fabricated as separate components and then be brought together can be additively manufactured as a single unit, with pieces being printed and combined even if the geometry of the combined unit is very complex.”


贝鲁奇补充说:“ 3D打印也将使在我们的设计中更容易地将回收材料和二级材料流纳入我们的设计。”“例如,我们正在探索使用将在3D打印塔的新涡轮机的3D打印塔时使用将在退回的刀片中生产的材料的方法,从而有效地交叉汇总了我们与Holcim建立的两个有前途的合作伙伴关系。



“Going forward, we will continue to collaborate with customers and other industry partners in developing innovative technology that helps to accelerate the energy transition in a way that is consistent with our focus on using sustainable, circular design to maximize environmental benefits for all stakeholders,” Bellucci concluded.


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