Market Insights


加法制造市场正在增长。雷电竞充值As we saw earlier this month, the国际数据公司(IDC) has updated its Worldwide Semiannual 3D Printing Spending Guide, predicting that the market-wide spending for 3D printing this year will rise to $12 billion around the world.

To give further insight, the IDC has now released a breakdown of spending in the Asia Pacific region. Over the next three years, from 2017 – 2021, IDC forecasts that the region (excluding Japan – APEJ) will spend $3.6 billion on 3D printing with a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.4%.


3D printing for aerospace, automotive, education and healthcare


Again, following the international trend, education and healthcare is the second sector after discrete manufacturing, and in APEJ will account for 37% of the overall spending in 2021.



IDC亚洲/太平洋成像,印刷和记录解决方案研究的市场分析师Mun Chun Lim评论说:“当我们朝着工业4.0 ERA的努力时,3D打印有望改变制造过程及其制造方式。”

“3 d打印技术的出现开辟了无尽的possibilities and unleashing disruptive power in global supply chain. With on-going development, we will see penetration of 3D printing in other industries, with more innovative use cases developed.”

中国leads growth

According to Lim, “China is the force behind APEJ growth.” For the same five year period, 2017-2021, the state has launched一项行动计划将3D打印的价值提高到30亿美元。林继续说:“中国政府支持该行业,并看到了多个3D打印行动计划和财政支持,”

“As results, it boosted the 3D printing uses and spending in the country with continuous interest and rising maturity.”

但是,现在还为时过早ell what impact 3D printing will have on the country’s mass production stronghold,,,,as proved in a recent study by researchers at诺丁汉大学宁波中国, 这University of Exeter在英国,以及De La Salle Universityin the Philippines.

3D printing in the United Arab Emirates

阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)以其雄心勃勃的技术驱动的发展而闻名,最近还发布了有关该国制造状况的报告。标题为“使未来”的文件探讨了阿联酋制造业的趋势和前景,包括与GE的最新合作关系,,,,and the迪拜工业园区国际印刷中心的就职典礼这是“与迪拜成为3D打印技术中心的愿景相符。”

Site of the International Centre for 3D Printing at Dubai Industrial Park. Photo via UAE
Site of the International Centre for 3D Printing at Dubai Industrial Park. Photo via UAE

For IT decision makers

The IDC Worldwide Semiannual 3D Printing Spending Guide is “designed to help IT decision makers” understand the scope and direction of 3D printing expenditures over the next five years.

Though software (CAGR 26.9%) is trailing behind the services and materials aspect of additive manufacturing (CAGR 45%) the lion’s share of spending is necessarily supported by “industry 4.0 ready” solutions, like cloud computing. It will be interesting to watch how the market grows over the next few years.

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