

当涉及桌面3D打印机世界中的可靠性和质量时,很少有人能比表2, the unique SLA printer from the Massachusetts-based companyformlabs. Last week, at Inside 3D Printing New York,我坐下来与formlabs工程师伊恩·弗格森(Ian Ferguson)交谈about what the company calls “有史以来最高级的桌面3D打印机”. Yesterday, Formlabs backed this statement up— and surely made quite a few dentist smile— when they announced their latest resin,Dental SG. The certified resin is their first biocompatible Class 1 material engineered for the Form 2, and will allow dental professionals to 3D print surgical guides at a quick and affordable rate.


The Dental SG is specially designed for high-precision drill guides, using digital scan data to prepare for implant surgeries. There are a number of other dental applications for the new biocompatible resin, including educational models, bleaching trays, retainers, aligners, and more. Formlabs isn’t just dumping off the resin to customers and bidding them a farewell, they’re also prepared to educate these professionals on why their technology is suited for them. To help inform potential customers on the digital solutions that the Form 2 can offer, Formlabs is providing an informative report on “桌面3D打印的数字植入学”, which includes details on the following:

• Clinical case using the Form 2


For those looking to get a more hands-on experience with the uses of the Dental SG, Dr. Michael Scherer will be holding aworkshop在加利福尼亚州的山景城,他将使用他的2表格展示新的牙科驱动树脂的工作流程和好处。Scherer博士的研讨会将贯穿整个过程的每个步骤,包括口腔内扫描,软件建模以及3D打印牙科模型和手术指南。雷竞技官网登录将FormLabs放在背包前的部分原因,尤其是在SLA桌面3D打印的情况下,当然是他们与表格2及其材料一起提供的信息和动手支持。

Aside from the Dental SG, Formlabs has also announced that they’ve improved formulations for their Clear, Black, Flexible, and Tough resins. Their materials, which already provided exceptional results prior to the enhancement, are engineered to provide an optimized rapid prototyping experience. Formlabs has also just launched theirMaterials Manager,这将允许2个用户跟踪其树脂消耗和储罐的使用情况,并可以轻松地在树脂之间切换。牙科SG树脂和新配制的原型树脂都证明FormLabs旨在保持客户微笑,以及在包装前的2。