
卧龙岗大学Gordon Wallace教授的3D Bioprinting的未来

我们研究3D印刷的未来的系列仍在戈登·华莱士(Gordon Wallace)教授的一篇有远见的文章中继续进行。

华莱士教授是智能聚合物研究所的创始人兼主任卧龙岗大学, Executive Director at theARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science澳大利亚获奖者。他的研究兴趣包括新材料和添加剂制造。材料在创造能源和健康方面当前挑战的创新方法是特别感兴趣的领域。

戈登·华莱士(Gordon Wallace)教授在2022年生物打印

In 2017 the convergence of advances in biomaterials, cell biology and 3D fabrication as well as the establishment of 3D print facilities in clinical environments changed the way we thought about making things.


在2017年,我们能够捕捉到一些不同的领域的进步,并创建了3D印刷的生物材料脚手架,从而促进了脂肪(Fat)干细胞的软骨发展,这是与圣文森特梅尔伯恩(Melbourne)的彼得·乔恩(Peter Choong)小组的合作。我们还能够在绵羊手术试验中实现手持同轴打印机的实施。该手持设备的关键组件是使用3D金属打印创建的。我们踏上了创建新颖的生物墨水和定制机械的旅程 - 制造了制造物品的东西。

这些进步吸引了整个澳大利亚临床医生的想象力,并开始了新的旅程,其中包括Payal Mukherjee(印刷耳朵),Toby Coates(Toby Coates)(促进胰岛细胞移植的印刷结构),Gerard Sutton(角膜再生),Stuart Mackay(Stuart Mackay)(可以理解印刷结构)气道崩溃和预防)和克里斯·贝克(Chris Baker)(伤口愈合)。

戈登·华莱士(Gordon Wallace)教授与2017年版本的Biopen。
戈登·华莱士(Gordon Wallace)教授与2017年版本的Biopen。


Let’s leap forward to 2022 and we have developed customised bioinks and printing systems for those applications and many more. This has required the use of expertise found in traditional formulation industries such as food pharmaceuticals and cosmetics where the tuning of rheology and matching this with function and appearance have always been important.

定制生物的快速发展industry has been made possible by readily available high-end engineering and design skills found in demising industries (such as automotive manufacturing) in Australia. The innovative commercialisation pathways developed here have in no small way been made possible by lots of highly skilled individuals from overseas keen to tread the boards on Australian shores. We have all had to work hand in hand with regulators and those skilled in community engagement programs to facilitate efficient translation of the new approaches to treatment developed. The alignment of those critical non-technical aspects of 3D bioprinting was essential in ensuring success.


In 2017 we had a vision to create the brain on the bench using 3D bioprinting. We have since used 3D bioprinting of stem cells to create functional neural networks on the bench. We have used these to gain insights into disease development, while our focus has been on schizophrenia (with Prof. Xu-Feng Huang) and epilepsy (with Prof. Mark Cook), the findings have had implications for the development of other neuro degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

在2022年,我们今天所处的位置的关键要素是一系列培训计划的迅速部署。开发有效的在线培训平台,通过教育合作汇集了来自世界各地的最佳教育专业知识,这是非凡的。在2017年,我们进入了第五次重播3D生物打印的MOOC- 简短的入门课程 - 来自全球的30,000名参与者。今天,在2022年,MOOC看起来有所不同,因为临床案例研究的数量和多样性已显着扩大。超过200,000名参与者参与了。我们已经建立在MOOC上,以引入3D生物制造的在线硕士课程(于2018年推出)。该计划能够建立在QUT和涉及UOW的生物制造(由欧盟和Oz资助的)的全球生物制造计划(由欧盟和Oz资助)以及由QUT领导的3D BioFabrication中的ARC培训中心,并参与UOW,DEAKIN和RMIT。

由澳大利亚澳大利亚研究委员会卓越电动材料科学卓越中心(ACE)的研究人员开发的生物培养,将使外科医生更加控制材料沉积的位置,同时还可以减少患者通过提供活细胞和活细胞和外科手术的时间直接到损伤部位的生长因子,加速了功能骨和软骨的再生。照片显示了澳大利亚国家制造设施的斯蒂芬·贝恩(Stephen Beirne)博士带有生物笔。
由澳大利亚澳大利亚研究委员会卓越电动材料科学卓越中心(ACE)的研究人员开发的生物培养,将使外科医生更加控制材料沉积的位置,同时还可以减少患者通过提供活细胞和活细胞和外科手术的时间直接到损伤部位的生长因子,加速了功能骨和软骨的再生。照片显示了澳大利亚国家制造设施的斯蒂芬·贝恩(Stephen Beirne)博士带有生物笔。


In just a short period of time (compared to the glacial pace of normal University educational developments) we have revolutionised teaching and training, we have put the ability to create back in the hands of the creative. Researchers, clinicians and regulators are working hand in glove with commercial entrepreneurs to meet real critical needs in a timely manner. This has been achieved through extensive, integrated collaborations. PhD students have been trained to address ethical, regulatory and commercial matters in parallel with developing technical studies.


捏,拍打,醒来…..好的,AFL的东西可能是幻想,一厢情愿的 - 3D Bioprinting的预期进度 - 完全可行!


The next online course Bioprinting: 3D Printing Body Parts with FutureLearn begins on the 18th九月。这是一个简短的4周课程,对任何对生物打印兴趣的人开放。更多信息请点击这里

您可以阅读我们的更多文章3D打印系列的未来在这里。如果您有兴趣与我们的读者分享自己的观点,那么email us now


Featured image shows Prof Gordon Wallace of the The Intelligent Polymer Research Institute with Dr Stephen Beirne of the Australian National Fabrication Facility Materials Node at the University of Wollongong. The IPRI is a key research strength at the University of Wollongong.