
LulzBot AO-100 3D Printer Giveaway Competition for Hackerspaces

The Colorado native Lulzbot has announced a competition, where the company is handing out eight of their AO-100 3D printers to different hackerspaces. The rules are simple – the applicants need to come up with a creative way to use the LulzBot in their local space and convince the company that they are indeed worthy of receiving the maker-oriented 3D printer.

Other qualification criteria – besides the creative thinking and writing – are as follows: “Any community-operated physical hackerspace, where people meet and work on their projects. Your hacker space must meet these hacker basics to qualify: community operated physical space; website/wiki; a basic set of hacker tools; belief in sharing resources and knowledge to build and make things; use and contribute to free software and open hardware projects and communities”. Sounds like the fundamental open-source maker ethos to me, so these specs shouldn’t pose any problems for the majority of hacker/maker spaces.

如果你是当地的一个黑客工作室,的一部分need of a new 3D printer, hit the source link to participate in this competition. All it really requires is filling out a simple form with open-ended questions regarding your need for the machine. The race for a place in the winning eight is already on and ends on April 15th, 11:59 PM MT.
