
MIT 3D printed “cups” deliver multiple vaccines in a single shot

一种新的3D打印方法Langer Labat Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a way of making vaccines that releases multiple doses of a drug over a受控的时间。

Termed StampEd Assembly of polymer Layers (SEAL), the process harnesses photolithography to 3D print and seal microscopic wells, or “cups”, containing acute doses of selected liquid drugs.


麻省理工学院密封过程的动画。剪辑通过Science Magazine Supplementary Materials.

Medical solutions for those in need

这项研究得到了Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation的资金支持,该基金会旨在解决“最需要帮助的人的全球健康和发展问题”。

Project lead Robert Langer解释说:“……人们可能会收到单一注射,实际上,它将已经内置了多个助推器。”

Langer adds, “This could have a significant impact on patients everywhere, especially in the developing world where patient compliance is particularly poor.”

Another 3D printing project to funded by the foundation is the development of新的避孕范式它使用Eether 3D生物原发电机来创建输卵管模型。



The method differs from其他纳米信誉方法of 3D printing as it doesn’t require the use of a photoactived additives that are largely harmful to humans.

2,000个PLGA杯中的每一个都充满了液体药物。通过MIT的Langer Lab通过GIF
2,000个PLGA杯中的每一个都充满了液体药物。通过MIT的Langer Lab通过GIF

The SEAL 3D printed molds are used to shape structures from FDA approved PLGA – a copolymer that is biocompatible, degradable and used for controlled drug delivery in cancer treatment and post brain surgery.


将盖子添加到每个孔密封的液体药物中。通过MIT的Langer Lab通过GIF
将盖子添加到每个孔密封的液体药物中。通过MIT的Langer Lab通过GIF


In the Langer Lab study, the micromolded particles (cups) are tested in-vitro, and added to a syringe for administering in-vivo to living animal models. Of three different PLGA samples tested, one sample in particular proved capable of gradual drug release over a period of 56 days. Whereas others released over 20 and 30.


密封过程的报告是published in September’s Science magazine.

Langer Lab的光刻图3D打印方法的分步演示的疫苗接种颗粒方法。通过科学杂志的图像

该论文由Allison Linehan,David Yang,Adam Behrens,Sviatlana Rose,Zachary Tochka,Stephanie Tzeng,Stephanie Tzeng,James Norman,Aaron Anselmo,Xian Xu,Stephanie Tomasic,Matthew Taylor,Matthew Taylor,Jennifer Lu,Jennifer Lu和Rohiverth。

In closing comments on the technique Langer says, “We are very excited about this work because, for the first time, we can create a library of tiny, encased vaccine particles, each programmed to release at a precise, predictable time”.


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Featured image shows an MIT logo 3D printed by the new photolithographic method developed by the Langer Lab. SEM image via the Langer Lab/MIT.