
新详细信息在Aurora Labs的低价$ 40K和新的“一吨”金属3D打印机上出现雷电竞app下载

Aurora Labs‘ first two低成本金属3D打印机雷电竞app下载, the S-Titanium and S-Titanium Pro, are available for pre-order. Now, more details have emerged about the technology that makes it all possible from a “stolen” conversation between Aussie 3D Printers’ Michael Slavica and Aurora Labs co-founder David Budge.



David also explained that the reason Aurora Labs’ systems are available at such a different price point is that the company has patented different technologies that enable mass production of these machines. While Aurora Labs has realized the first two 3D printers, they are now in the process of building a large format system that can print a one tonne part in a 24 hour period, using a new, entirely novel technology. This “monster” might see the light of day within the next 12 months.

“While the machine will be able to 3D print parts up to one tonne in size in a 24 hour period,”David said,“它也可以在24小时内用3D打印一千1公斤的零件。我们希望该分辨率与现有SLM机器的分辨率相当。当我们打印3D时,我们也一直在发布各个部分的图像。”


第一个测试零件涉及对象,例如带有内部空腔的球阀,如果没有添加剂技术,就无法制造。迈克尔还要求提供机器的照片,但是到目前为止,Aurora Labs仅发布了3D打印零件的照片(您在此处看到);但是,戴维(David)保证,他们目前正在与几个投资者团体进行高级讨论,并且在接下来的几周内将出现更多新闻。我们可能不需要这么说,但是……请继续关注。

*本文于6月14日进行了编辑,以反映以下事实:Aurora Labs目前尚未与UWA(西澳大利亚大学)进行测试。

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