
Severance hospital in Korea prepares to commercialise its first 3D printed artificial eye

遣散医院of theYonsei University Health System(YUHS) announced today that it will be getting ready to commercialize its first 3D printed artificial eye after three years of research.

According to the Severance Hospital, over 60,00 patients in Korea require an ocular prosthesis (a prosthetic eye) as a result of severe medical conditions, yet only, 40,000 have access to such products.

“We want to help patients who need artificial eyes with our 3D printing technology,” said Professor Yoon Jin-sook, Researcher at the department of ophthalmology in Severance Hospital.


Yoon Jin-Sook教授,,,,leader of the Artificial Eye Project. Photo via Kore Biomedical Review.
Yoon Jin-Sook教授,,,,leader of the Artificial Eye Project. Photo via Kore Biomedical Review.

Success using DLP technology

韩国科学和ICT,,,,the Artificial Eye Project began as part of the Ministry’s initiative to develop technology for new and improved medical devices.

A research team from YUHS was led by Professor Jin-sook, and Artificial Eye-maker, Baik Seung-woon, to successfully create a technology that uses 3D printers to simplify the production process for an artificial eye.

After integrating数字光处理(DLP)3雷电竞app下载D打印机进入人工眼的生产,3月,Yuhs团队开始了商业化过程。这包括将其创新技术许可给DLP 3D印刷韩国专家,,,,Carima

Yoon教授的团队正在测试他们的人造眼睛原型的安全性和有效性,他们认为这将在2020年准备就绪。此外,Camira正在帮助Yuhs团队获得其获得Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP) certification fromSGS最终将导致其原型的质量生产技术。

Furthermore, YUHS and Camira plan to establish a remote one-stop consultation network system that will provide artificial eyes to patients all over the world.

The team has also registered a patent regarding the technology in China.

DLP technology and ocular applications


This process has seldom been used in 3D printing for ocular applications.比利时3 d印刷Luxexcel光学专家,created3D printed eyeglass lenses using the vat polymerization process。这涉及使用可光电的丙烯酸树脂作为主要原料。



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