


Designed by Swedish architects David Andreen and Ana Goidea, the Meristem Wall is a 1.25 x 2.1 x 0.7m structure that integrates several functional features designed to demonstrate the power of additive manufacturing. This includes piping for electrical wiring and water flow, a complex ventilation network, and a computationally optimized surface structure that enables the wall to serve as an urban wildlife habitat.

安娜·戈迪(Ana Goidea)explains, “The ability to create complex and unique forms and geometries with technologies such as 3D printing opens up a whole new realm of aesthetical, efficient, and incredibly functional architecture. And that’s what we want to show with the Meristem Wall.“

The 3D printed Meristem Wall. Photo via David Andreen and Ana Goidea.
The 3D printed Meristem Wall. Photo via David Andreen and Ana Goidea.



So what makes the Meristem Wall so special? As well as being entirely capable of supporting its own weight (and more), the structure integrates electricity and light fixtures, water pipes made of PEX tubing, windows, and even a built-in rainwater run-off system.

Additionally, the wall features air filtration functionality, an interior fabric surface, and a comprehensive distributed ventilation system that controls the heat storage and internal moisture levels – all without any moving parts.

Two years in the making

在过去的两年中,安娜(Ana)和戴维(David)都在开发分生组织墙。大部分设计工作都是在Lund University’sbioDigital matter lab, and relies on a series of generative design algorithms developed by the architects themselves.

Since the large dimensions of the wall were far too big for most additive manufacturing systems, the duo eventually settled onvoxeljet’s VX4000 3D printer,提供4 x 2 x 1m的构建体积。大型粘合剂喷气系统与沙子兼容,非常适合3D打印模具和核心应用。

托拜厄斯格伦,产品经理在Voxeljet,补充道,“The main challenge for us was the high degree of complexity with the fine inner structures and tubes. Since we print in a sand bed, after the printing process is completed, we have to remove all the unprinted sand from the bonded structures. So, when we print structures with cavities, that means they are always filled with unprinted sand.”

为了使后处理的工作流程驱动,将墙分解为21个单独的零件,并打印出3D,这使拆卸零件的包装变得更加容易。然后,建筑师在Sandhelden, an Augsburg-based sand processing firm, to help infiltrate the parts with epoxy resin for added strength.

Sandhelden首席执行官Laurens Faure说:“我们花了大约三天的时间用环氧树脂覆盖墙,但最后我们可以说我们对最终结果感到非常满意。虽然混凝土3D打印是经典外墙的理想选择,但一旦发挥了更为复杂的几何形状或细节,混凝土印刷就不再是一款好匹配了。这正是我们看到粘合剂喷射的强度。”

Once printed, the parts were transported to Venice and assembled into the final Meristem Wall structure. Ana and David displayed their project at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 until November 21.

美学和功能的组合是建筑3D打印领域中的一个运行主题。今年早些时候,建筑3D打印公司Branch Technology完成了一个类似的项目3D printing of a building facade for a financial institution在田纳西州查塔努加。行人经过Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union’s(TVFCU)新的Southside分支机构将看到TVFCU的标志性波动品牌融合到建筑物本身的设计中,并将客户引向入口。

More recently,Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA) and furniture manufacturerTecnoalso showcased their new ‘ALIS pod’ office concept in the Venice Giardini, featuring a定制基于植物的3D打印地板. Developed by Amsterdam-based architectural 3D printing firmAectual, the pod’s distinct base is a carbon-neutral terrazzo flooring.


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Featured image shows the 3D printed Meristem Wall. Photo via David Andreen and Ana Goidea.