3DP Applications

How Universal Robots powers 24/7 3D printing for production

在160 3D打印机的农场中间雷电竞app下载通用机器人UR10孜孜不倦地保持生产24/7。无线监控,机器人臂负责装载和卸载构建板,然后将成品打印堆放到传送带上。这是Voodoo Manufacturing的秘密武器,可与注射成型竞争。

由于安装UR10,Voodoo在Voodoo的3D打印机利用率已从手动操作的30-40%上升到90%。随着160 3D打印机的农场的增长,U雷电竞app下载R10的数量也是如此。

乔纳森·施瓦茨(Jonathan Schwartz)的首席产品官解释说:“当我们寻找机器人手臂时,我们正在寻找可以完成任务的机器人,但也很容易编程,并且很快就能启动并运行。”

“For us, Universal Robots’ UR10 was a great option. And from here on out as we scale, we can just buy more arms as we have more and more printers.”

Human-robot collaboration in a safe environment


Unlike industrial counterparts, the vast majority of Universal Robots’ products operate outside segregated safety cages which tend to make automation expensive and inaccessible to SMEs.


Within six months of installation at Voodoo’s factory in Brooklyn, the first UR10 already made a full ROI.

Humans and UR robots in close-collaboration. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing/Universal Robots
Humans and UR robots in close-collaboration. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing/Universal Robots

Plug in & play ability

此外,Universal Robots Arms设计为用户友好且易于集成到客户现有工作区中。这通用机器人+ platform(UR+) is specially developed for this purpose to help achieve “plug in & play” use of UR products.

As with all robotic arms, the UR10 needs gripper attachments to help it perform each specific job.

Voodoo Manufacturing的工业工程师Charlie Fenwick解释说:“我们看着不同的机器人武器,但它们都无法轻松地与完成完整应用程序所需的外围设备接口。”

通用机器人+ provides customers a list of peripherals certified for use with its robot products Voodoo chose theUR+certified gripper from Robotiqwith programming software integrated directly onto the UR robot’s touch screen. “Getting the gripper to work with the arm was almost like building a Power Point slide, by just dragging blocks of information onto the screen,” adds Fenwick.


Universal Robots的系统日夜在Project Skywalker中工作。通过Voodoo Manufacturing剪辑


顾名思义,UR10可以管理每个操作的最大有效载荷。两个UR10武器安装在漫游的移动基地上,目前在18,000平方英尺的工厂地板上运行Voodoo的160 3D打印机。雷电竞app下载但是它们的多功能性意味着将来可以将其重新用于其他雄心勃勃的自动化项目。

这goal for Voodoo is to reduce the costs by 90% over the next three years, a target that will be assuredly fulfilled with cooperation of Universal Robots.

Schwartz concludes:


“Beyond this there are many other opportunities in our factory to automate; whether it is removing parts from the build plates, or cleaning them, or inspecting them for quality, or eventually even packing and shipping.”

Take a step into the future of automation with the UR10, UR5 and UR3 arms, and find out more at通用机器人

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Featured image shows a close-up of the Robotiq gripper on a UR10 robotic arm installed at Voodoo Manufacturing in Brooklyn. Photo via Universal Robots

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