
Voodoo Manufacturing的目标是24/7 3D打印工厂,带机器人武器动力项目Skywalker

Brooklyn-based 3D printing factoryVoodoo Manufacturinghas unveiled a prototype of its automated 3D printing production line. Under the name Project Skywalker, the team are using a robotic arm with the hope of increasing production rates by up to 400% in the next 3 – 5 years. The aim is to be able to compete with the production capacity possible in traditional mass-manufacturing methods.

Project Skywalker机器人手臂的时间过夜。剪辑通过Voodoo Manufacturing在YouTube上

“from 160 printers today, to ten-thousand 3D printers tomorrow”

在公司YouTube频道上发布的视频剪辑中, Voodoo Manufacturing CPO Jonathan Schwartz, shares their vision for the future. He says,

Our goal is to make manufacturing more like software, and make it accessible to anyone who wants to make a physical part or product.

In the same clip, Voodoo CEO Max Friefeld adds,


The integrated robotic arm is indicative of an Industry 4.0 Smart Factory of the future,as seen in the University of Sheffield’s Factory 2050 in the UK.

How does it work?

Skywalker Project的机器人臂已编程,以从9台3D打印机的簇中收集成品。雷电竞app下载


A cluster of nine 9 3D printers tended by the robotic arm. Conveyor belt of 3D printed objects on plates seen on the right. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing
A cluster of nine 9 3D printers tended by the robotic arm. Conveyor belt of 3D printed objects on plates seen on the right. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing

整合机器人组的生产率提高,伴随着潜在的90%的生产成本,在接下来的3 - 5年中。CPO Jonathan Schwartz补充说,

看到它全面运作the first time was amazing. We ran it unmanned overnight, and in the morning it had been producing parts for 14 hours straight! We’re now excited to deploy it at scale and increase our factory’s capacity by close to 400%.

Freeing people to think

凭借一台能够每周7天每天工作24小时的机器,Max Freifeld回答了自动化周围的主要问题之一:所有的事情都会发生什么人类jobs? He says,

The robot arm is almost actually entirely about flexibility, and making our system more flexible for the people. The robot might take over these menial, repetitive tasks that aren’t really meant for humans, and that’s going to free up people, so that they can go do what people do best: which is think.

He also comments on manufacturing jobs returning from overseas outsourcing,

The jobs that are coming back are going to be more focused on building a system, working together with automation, and running a factory in a way that is actually a lot more human friendly.

项目天行者arm. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing
项目天行者arm. Photo via Voodoo Manufacturing


2016年11月,3D印刷行业报道了a $2 million investment in the robotic operation of 3D printers. The money was awarded to Oregon based startup companyTend.ai谁开发了基于云的编程,以使机器人臂“趋向”多台机器。

另一个项目看自动化对3 d打印ing is run by Dutch independent research companyTNO与大型3D打印机制造商合作BigRep, based in Germany. TNO’s Print Valley project uses a conveyor belt system for FFF 3D printing of multiple objects.您可以在此处了解有关合作伙伴关系的文章中有关该过程的更多信息。


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