
Wayland添加剂raises £3 million to develop electron beam metal 3D printing technology

Wayland添加剂, a metal 3D printing start-up based in West Yorkshire, UK, has raised £3 million in funding to develop fast and reliable electron beam additive manufacturing systems foraerospace and medical industries.

Longwall Ventures and theAngel CoFundhave led the investment.

韦兰添加剂首席执行官威尔·理查森(Will Richardson)。通过Wayland添加剂照片。
Willand Addivity首席执行官Will Richardson。通过Wayland添加剂照片。


Entering the 3D printing industry this year, Wayland Additive, headquartered in Huddersfield, is using technologies originally developed for electron microscopy and electron beam lithography in building its new machine。这旨在提供更高的生产率,提高过程监控和控制以及金属添加剂制造材料的多功能性。雷电竞充值

电子束工艺提供了能够熔化金属粉末以产生复杂的工业级零件的能源。新资金将有助于最终确定Wayland Addiver的第一台3D打印机,预计该打印机将于2021年5月投放市场,向大约六个客户提供市场。

According to Will Richardson, CEO of Wayland Additive, the company’s 3D printer will be quicker than competing metal printing products. “We could try and scale it faster, but we want to make sure that our initial customers are given superb support to get the best out of their machine,” explained Richardson.

“There’s the opportunity to make parts which are customized to the individual patient. That’s going to give a better result and faster recovery times for patients after surgery.”


在金属添加剂制造中,EBM雷电竞充值一直是进步的领域。最近,Ruselectronics,俄罗斯控股公司和国有的子公司Rostec, has began developing anelectron beam metal 3D printer for aerospaceapplications. The research and development work will be carried out byToriy Scientific Production Association(°пторий)。

此外,Sciaky,Inc。, a Chicago-based provider of metal 3D printing solutions,entered into an agreementwithKTM顾问headquartered in Sydney, to expand itsElectron Beam Additive Manufacturing(EBAM) technology across Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East.


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特色图像节目Will Richardson,Wayland添加剂首席执行官。通过Wayland添加剂照片。