

Leading PBF manufacturerEOSEOS肯定启动了一项新的学生奖学金计划,该计划旨在进一步向少数群体和有色人种开放STEM教育计划。


EOS北美总裁Glynn Fletcher说:“我们希望尽可能多地帮助学生,以降低成功的历史障碍并实现目标。”“通往更大,更多样化的人才库的道路始于尽我们所能,以帮助对STEM学科的学生进行教育,以及他们在不断发展的行业(例如工业3D印刷)中提供的职业机会。”

Featured image shows someone being taught a class on 3D modelling. Photo via EOS.
Children being taught a class on 3D modeling. Photo via EOS.


EOShopes the program will inspire other organizations, including those in the 3D printing sector, to implement similar initiatives that can both expand the talent pool and drive greater diversity within the sector. Through EOS Affirms, the company distributes scholarship awards to partnering educational institutions and creates endowments for scholarship awards that future students can benefit from in years to come.


到目前为止,EOS已向密歇根州的奖学金提供了奖学金亨利·福特学院Washtenaw社区学院, 这代顿大学研究Insitutein Ohio, andTexas State Technical College。EOShas also contributed funds toCollege Forward,一个全国认可的近联教练组织。

亨利·福特学院院长罗素·卡瓦胡纳(Russell Kavalhuna)谈到该计划:“ STEM奖学金计划与我们承诺消除障碍并为年轻人创造机会,尤其是代表性不足的人口,使他们能够获得良好的教育和良好的教育和良好使他们能够建立一个有意义的职业。”

The EOS Affirm program represents the firm’s latest investment in its long-term mission to inspire students and advance additive manufacturing education.

Siemen的Mindsphere Innovation网络正在行动。通过西门子的照片。

Diversity in 3D printing

It is no secret that the manufacturing sector, 3D printing included, has long suffered an员工技能差距和has wrestled with issues surroundinglong-term workforce development, representation, and diversity. For instance, there have been calls to增加女性人数present at additive manufacturing conferences and events in the past.

在2018年,Women in 3D Printing(WI3DP) - 寻求促进,支持和激发活跃于3D印刷领域或试图进入该行业的妇女的小组 - 发布了有关季度报告Diversity for Additive Manufacturing(DfAM).

Since then, UK-based 3D printing curriculum developerPrintLab试图通过提供教育和工业之间的差距unlimited-use licenses for schools,而创建教育项目launched its第一教育3D打印中心与汽车和航空航天制造商合作劳斯莱斯

同时,全球技术和工业制造公司Siemens已经在英国大学实施了一个新的行业4.0教学计划,称为Connected Curriculum。自成立以来,该计划已与50多家在20多个项目中与50多家企业互动,他们确定了在教育和行业中提高和建立数字技能基础的必要性。

最近,SAM(添加剂制造业中的行业技能策略)财团发表了其首次研究的雷电竞充值结果,用于3D打印劳动力的潜在技能差距,突出了训练的严重短缺around additive manufacturing processes and identified a level of expertise in alloys as being vital within certain roles. As a result, the group recommended an urgent role out of pilot courses to prevent these issues from impacting the employability of those seeking to enter the industry.

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Featured image shows children being taught a class on 3D modeling. Photo via EOS.