
Fusion 360 and Formlabs makes large volume 3D printing easier than ever

You may remember back in June of 2021 Autodesk Fusion 360 and Formlabs announced a partnership to bring our respective technologies together into a cohesive manufacturing workflow. With that first launch, Fusion 360 integrated SLA additive manufacturing capabilities, giving users deeper control over their Formlabs machines, with customization of baseplates, a variety of support material strategies, and the ability to push PreForm files.

Fusion 360从第一天开始成为融合的产物,将所有制造产品的所有要素都带入一个空间。在Fusion 360中,设计,工程,模拟,电子,原型制造和制造都是可能的,我们的主要意图一直是使这些各种数据线程关联。


Fusion 360 aims to address the issue of multiple disassociated references with associative design and manufacturing data. Why create intermediary data files like STLs, when you can use your design data to produce manufacturing information that then goes directly to hardware? Add to this direct connection the benefit of making the data associative, and you need only set up your manufacturing data once to enable automatic propagation of design updates through your entire workflow.

As of Jan 18Th, we’ve integrated those functionality benefits into Fusion 360’s SLS additive technology. Formlabs and Autodesk are deepening their partnership with integration and support of the Fuse 1 platform within Fusion 360.

新的集成、融合360将使you to set up prints for your Fuse 1 hardware natively. After creating a setup in Fusion 360’s additive manufacturing workspace and selecting your Fuse 1 SLS machine, you will see a new option appear in your dialogue box giving you the ability to arrange your parts in the build volume using either a 2D or 3D strategy. This first step into an enhanced SLS technology feature set will certainly not be our last. Today, 3D packing in Fusion 360 will arrange your parts in X, Y, and Z axes, but does not re-orient parts to optimize for packing. Optimized packing will soon be available!

Parts auto arranged into the build volume.

采用Fusion 360设计来制造工作流程的核心优势之一是名称的固有的。您的设计和制造数据已连接,具有完全关联。更改子集会?无需更新您的制造设置,因为这些更改将自动传播,生成一个可以导出用于制造的新包。如上所述,您可以根据此原理进行设置,并将其导出到一个.form文件中,该文件将在Preform中打开。该文件可以使用工具路径和所有文件打印,使您可以放心,它代表了内部所有部分的当前修订!

The form file opened in pre form.
A zoomed-in shot shows the toolpath.

Of course, that’s not all, because if you didn’t know by now, we always have one more thing to share when we drop releases at Fusion 360. In conjunction with the Fuse 1 integration, we’ve added a sinterbox app to our app store. Need to isolate parts? Maybe you’re running multiple jobs in the same print and want to easily isolate them, or maybe you’ve got a lot of small parts you don’t want to lose when emptying the build volume. The sinterbox app for Fusion 360 enables you to quickly create a rectangular sinterbox enclosing multiple solid bodies. During the creation process, you edit key sinterbox dimensions such as case thickness, bar width and bar spacing, as well as the offset between selected parts and the sinterbox itself.

加载项还提供了将输入物体从其原始组件移至新创建的组件的选项。当使用SLS / MFJ 3D打印机的加法设置中的3D包装零件中的3D包装零件时,可以实现此选项的主要好处,因为3D布置算法将其放置在构建体积中时将多个车身组件保持在一起。

今天,我们正在继续对增材制造的全面承诺。雷电竞充值随着我们继续开发和改善融合360,我们还有更多的展示。您可能已经在多轴DED和DML的新兴领域看到了Fusion 360的功能,或者在SLA和FFF中经历了更熟悉的应用程序。我们将带给您的关联添加剂制造工作流程,还有更多的过程中的功能,使您能够继续使用FormLabs打印机和Autodesk Fusion 360来构建出色的东雷电竞充值西。
